Saturday, April 20, 2013

Post Mortem Image Of Dead Boston Bomber Leaked

Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev

Photo of dead Boston bomber posted on the Internet goes viral.

By H. Nelson Goodson
April 21, 2013

Boston, Mass. - On Friday, a graphic photo of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, 26, the alleged Boston terrorist bomber killed in a gun battle with police in Watertown was leaked and posted on the Daily Bail dot com. The body shows multiple bullet wounds and large injuries apparently caused by an explosive device he was wearing. Police sources have confirmed that the image is authentic.
Tamerlan was killed on early Friday by police shortly after a chase ended in a Watertown neighborhood. Both Tamerlan and his younger brother, Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, were wanted in connection with Monday's Boston Marathon bombings that killed three people. They were identified as Krystle Campbell, 29, of Arlington, Mass.; Martin Richard, 8, of Dorchester, Mass. and Lingzi Lu, 23, also known as Dorothy Lu, a Chinese national from Shenyang and at least 176 others were injured, including 17 people who had amputations of their limbs. 
On Thursday, the suspects also killed an M.I.T. security Police Officer, Sean Collier, 26, and critically wounded Transit Police Officer Richard H. Donahue, Jr., 33, and 16 other officers were treated for injuries after the gunfight with the suspects. More than two hundred spent cartridge rounds were recovered by police at the scene.
Tamerlan originally from Russia, but became a legal U.S. permanent resident in 2007, was shot multiple times and an improvised explosive device he was wearing exploded. His brother who was born in Kyrgyzstan, a province of Russia was also shot in the neck and leg. But, he managed to get in a vehicle and then backed up into Tamerlan's body while he was down on the street. Dzhokhar fled in the vehicle and abandoned it several blocks away.
Dzhokhar was later taken into custody on Friday, after a man noticed blood and discovered the suspect was hiding inside a covered 24-foot boat in his back yard. The suspect was taken into custody after eluding police for more than seven hours.
Dzhokhar who became a U.S. Citizen in 2012, remains in a hospital in critical condition and is expected to be charged with multiple federal charges for terrorism, murder, using explosive devices to commit murder. If convicted of the charges, Dzhokhar could face the death penalty.
He is also expected to be charged with multiple homicide charges and attempted murder, including other related charges. Massachusetts does not have a death penalty for murder.
The Boston area was shutdown on Friday, which Boston and Watertown lost a combined of more than $130 million dollars of revenue for businesses and the cities. The five-day massive manhunt also cost the local, state and federal governments multiple millions.

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