Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Chicago's Mexican Consul Arnal Palomera To Leave Job In May


Eduardo Arnal Palomera

Consul Arnal Palomera announced in a local Chicago Spanish newspaper that he will leave his position in May.

By H. Nelson Goodson
April 3, 2013

Chicago, Illinois - On Wednesday,  La Raza dot com reported that Eduardo Arnal Palomera, the current Mexican Consul of Chicago had announced that he will be leaving his position on May 1. Arnal Palomera unofficially confirmed that his replacement would be former Mexican PRI Senator Carlos Jiménez Macias from the state of San Luis Potosi. Macias has not been nominated yet by President Enrique Peña Nieto, but is expected to be name soon as Consul for Chicago. He must be also approved by the federal Mexican Senate.
In February, the Mexican Civic Society of Illinois (MCS) honored Arnal Palomera as the recipient of the prestigious "Caballero Azteca Award" for his contributions to the Mexican and Mexican-American communities in Chicago.
Arnal Palomera became the Consul General for the Consulate General of Mexico in Chicago in 2011. He served as the Consul General for the Denver Mexican Consulate between 2007 to 2011.
In an e-mail to Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), Evelia Rodriguez from the MCS wrote that the "Caballero Azteca," Award is awarded each year to an individual who has strived for the betterment of the Mexican and Mexican-American community with the assistance of community organizations, private corporate sector, or within government. This year, the Hon. Eduardo Arnal Palomera General Consul of Mexico in Chicago was selected for his administrations' open door policy assisting millions of Chicago's residents and for successfully working with our community to manage the second largest Mexican Consulate in the world. 

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