Friday, April 26, 2013

Ortiz, Local El Conquistador Writer Engages In False And Inaccurate Reporting

Manny Ortiz, Mariella Godínez and Victor Huyke

El Conquistador writer falsely and inaccurately reported in an article "MC Multiservicios Gana Demanda Contra MG Multiservicios."

April 26, 2013

Milwaukee, WI (HNNUSA) - On Friday, El Conquistador newspaper published an article "MC Multiservicios Gana Demanda Contra MG Multiservicios" dated April 26, Volume 16, Issue 17, page 6 written in Spanish by Manny Ortiz, one of its newspaper writers. Ortiz falsely and inaccurately wrote that H. Nelson Goodson from Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) worked for El Corre Caminos Newspaper. He also wrote that Goodson in a HNNUSA had written that some alleged victims filed a criminal investigation complaint with the IRS, which is inaccurate. 
Ortiz wrote that Goodson in mid November had tried to get him to write an article or "do something" about the matter and issue, that is definitely false.
When contacted on Friday, Victor Huyke, Publisher of El Conquistador said, that he believed what Ortiz had written in his article without contacting Goodson or Martinez from El Corre Caminos to confirm Goodson's employment.
Goodson on Friday, sent a retraction request to Huyke of certain false and inaccurate pieces of an article written about Goodson. "Ortiz obviously intended to falsify and inaccurately report about my person without professionally trying to confirm his comments in an article. It seems, Ortiz lacks any professional experience, investigative skills and any ethics when reporting or writing articles," Goodson said. "I sent Huyke a retraction request concerning the false and inaccurate comments written by Ortiz. Huyke apparently laxed to contact me, confirm and investigate what Ortiz was claiming about me."
Huyke said, he "would talk to Ortiz" about the article concerning Goodson.
Ortiz also wrote that Mariella Godínez collaborated in the article. When Godínez was contacted, she said that she did some investigative research about the case dealing with scams and provided a comment to Ortiz. Ortiz failed to include and cite her comment in the article, but instead added her name as a collaborator.
Godínez stated, "I have not read the article...I did not write anything, I will have my attorney read the article." If Godínez is correct, it seems Ortiz and Huyke decided to include her name on the article without Godínez actually reading it and making it seem she had approved the false and inaccurate comments Ortiz made about Goodson.
Ortiz even claimed that Goodson was accused of negligence and defamation when he broke the story about allegations raised by some victims. Goodson attempted to get statements from the owners of the MC Multiservicios business accused by the victims. But the owners would not comment at the time. Ortiz failed to mention, the lawsuit in which Goodson was named got dismissed and no negligence or defamation was ever established against Goodson for just reporting about the allegations made by the victims, an outdoor protest at MC Multiservicios and lawsuits filed. Other media outlets were notified in advance of the protest as well. Goodson said, he was called about the protest a half hour before it took place and he went to report on it, since it was made in public and drew attention from the public at a busy south side street.
Goodson in an exclusive report did write an article that all parties involved in the registered lawsuits were dismissed a month earlier in favor of MC Multiservicios. Goodson even contacted the attorneys involved in the lawsuits, the law firm representing the alleged 49 victims never responded and the law firm representing MC Multiservicios, including the owner released documents of the outcome of the case, which Goodson had requested.
Goodson said, the owner of MC Multiservicios had even placed a full page paid ad in both El Conquistador and El Mañanero local newspapers claiming Goodson along with a group had intentionally engaged in defamation against MC Multiservicios. The owner of MC Multiservicios later decided to dismiss the case under a settlement agreement with other parties involved, after a statement was signed that allegations raised against MC Multiservicios were false or untrue.
El Conquistador and El Mañanero never contacted Goodson or the parties named in the ad, if the full page ad, which was published claiming Goodson was involved with a group that intentionally engaged in defamation against MC Multiservicios was true. Goodson said, it was clear negligence by both El Conquistador and El Mañanero not to substantiate, confirm the allegations and the accusations made by the owner of MC Multiservicios that I was intentionally involved, which the only act by me was to report what was transpiring between the parties involved in the lawsuits, since they were being made public.
On April 4, the MC Multiservicios attorney even send out a letter to media outlets saying, as a result of a settlement agreement involving the MC Multiservicios lawsuits, some newspapers, radio stations and TV might have been used to report allegations that were later determined false.

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