Friday, June 7, 2013

De La Rosa Provides Additional Details To Houston Police About His Beating


Oscar de la Rosa

Mafia lead singer goes to Houston Police and provides further details about his beating last month outside a gay bar.

By H. Nelson Goodson
June 7, 2013

Houston, Texas - On Thursday, Oscar de la Rosa, the lead singer from the popular La Mafia band went to the Houston Police Departement to further provide details about his assault on May 12 outside a gay and lesbian mix clientele Blur nightclub in Montrose. De la Rosa has not openly admitted of being gay, but was at the bar enjoying the evening after celebrating Mother's Day with his family. He's been recovering and has kept very isolated after he was beaten by an alleged fan for not taking a picture with him inside the gay bar.
The suspect has not been charged yet for De la Rosa and his driver's assault. But a news release on Facebook from La Mafia states, "According to police investigators, there is a person of interest that investigators are speaking to and possibly more persons are involved. Criminal charges are pending." De la Rosa has also been advised by his lawyer not to speak about his injuries or the pending assault case, according to the news release. 
De la Rosa and his driver were leaving the gay bar when a suspected drunk fan who was kicked out earlier for molesting De la Rosa inside jumped on both the singer and his driver. The suspect allegedly punched both of them and briefly knocked them out in a surprised brutal attack.
De la Rosa was hospitalized and suffered face lacerations, two broken teeth, including an injured right eye. The driver suffered minor injuries.
De la Rosa is doing fine and is expected to continue to perform in an upcoming event on Saturday June 8, in Midland, Texas. La Mafia had to cancel several concerts after De la Rosa was beaten and recovered from his injuries. 

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