Friday, May 31, 2013

Two Undocumented Women From Honduras Fatally Shot By Gunmen For Not Paying $100 Quota To Ride Freight Train

The bodies of Cynthia Carolina Cruz Bonilla and Suleida Raudales Flores from Honduras were found along La Bestia train route. They were killed in cold blood for not paying between $100 to 400 dollars each to ride La Bestia from Palenque, Chiapas to Tenosique, Tabasco.

Photo courtesy of Tabasco Hoy/Genaro Sánchez

The two women from Honduras were riding in freight train when they were killed, then their bodies were thrown off the moving train.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 31, 2013

Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico - On Friday, the Chiapas state attorney's office (PGJE) in a news release reported that the bodies of two women, Cynthia Carolina Cruz Bonilla, 19, and Suleida Raudales Flores, 24, from Honduras had been recovered along the freight train route (La Bestia). The women were shot around 3:30 p.m. by gunmen on Thursday after they failed to pay a quota of $100 to ride the train on their way to the U.S. border.
The victims were traveling with a group of undocumented immigrants in a train near the municipality of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico close from the Guatemala border when they were killed, according to the PGJE. 
No one has been arrested for the double homicide. The Palenque, Chiapas to Tenosique, Tabasco train route is the most dangerous route for immigrants.
More than 140,000 of undocumented immigrants from South and Central America illegally travel through Mexico on their way to the U.S.  
Los Zetas and affiliated criminal organizations control the train routes that undocumented immigrants travel through the states of Chiapas, Tabasco and Tamaulipas. The Mexican federal government has failed to secure its border crossing with Guatemala and don't provided sufficient manpower to provide security in those clandestine routes.
Most immigrants fall into extortions, armed robberies, prostitution, kidnappings for ransom, human organ thefts, drug trafficking and other crimes. The exploitation of immigrants has become a multi-million dollar criminal underground market that both the Zetas, affiliated criminal organizations, corrupt state and federal government officials have profited for the last decade. The profits generated by crimes on immigrants has become one of the main reasons that the lack of criminal investigations and border security between the Mexico-Guatemala has prevailed.
More than 70,000 immigrants have been reported missing in Mexico for the last six years. Only 80 of those missing have been located alive.

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