Sunday, May 5, 2013

Huyke Confirmed Contreras Paid El Conquistador To Publish False Information About Goodson

Victor Huyke, Juan G. Contreras and Manuel "Manny" Ortiz

El Conquistador publisher admitted the MC Multiservicios owner paid to publish false Information about local HNNUSA reporter.

May 5, 2013

Milwaukee, WI (HNNUSA) - On Saturday, Victor Huyke, publisher of the local weekly newspaper confirmed, that he was paid off by Juan G. Contreras, owner of MC Multiservicios to publish multiple full page ads containing information about a local reporter, which is deemed inaccurate and blatantly false. The lastest full ad was published on Friday, but when Hispanic News Network USA (HNNUSA) contacted Contreras about his statements in the ad targeting H. Nelson Goodson from HNNUSA, Contreras denied of reading it or approving the ad. 
The ad included several false and inaccurate statements about Goodson. When Huyke was contacted about the MC Multiservicios ad, he was able to confirm that Contreras sent him the ad from his personal e-mail account. Huyke admitted, Contreras paid him to publish the ad, eventhough Goodson had previously notified him that Contreras was engaging in false information and was paying Huyke to publish it. 
Both Huyke and Contreras have not provided any sustantial proof what they have been publishing and alleging against Goodson is true. Goodson has asked for a retraction by Huyke for also printing an article by Manuel "Manny" Ortiz who also intentionally included false and inaccurate information about Goodson.
Goodson stated, "Ortiz made false statements about my person in his article, Huyke has been paid by Contreras to publish several full page ads with the intention to slander and engaging in defamation against my person. None of them can actually prove what they are publishing has an inch of truth."
Contreras in November of 2012, paid for two full page ads in El Conquistador and El Mañanero claiming and making a false claim that Goodson had intentionally with a group of people had engaged in defamation against MC Multiservicios, his business. El Mañanero newspaper and its owner, José J. Hernández have also not been able to provide any information or proof that Goodson intentionally engaged in defamation against MC Multiservicios. All that Goodson was doing was reporting about the allegations made against Contreras by 49 alleged victims. Goodson had requested Contreras for comments about the claim being made about him, but Contreras denied to make any comments to HNNUSA multiple times.
Goodson says, "it's not true what Contreras is claiming," but that he was just reporting the allegations brought against the Contreras, which definitely is now a dead issue because all of the lawsuits were dismissed by those parties involved. The owner of another business made a retraction that the allegations were false or untrue,
Goodson broke the story about the lawsuits being dismissed and that a settlement agreement was reached that included a retraction. Goodson was the first to report the breaking news story in HNNUSA. 
The latest MC Multiservicios ad published in El Conquistador could be a breach of the settlement agreement between Contreras and the other business owner. That business owner is looking into whether Contreras violated their settlement agreement. 
Another false allegation is that Ortiz and Contreras stated that Goodson had reported for El Correcaminos, which Goodson says is false and inaccurate. Goodson has never been employed by Correcaminos. Obviously, it seems they have failed to contact Octavio Martinez, owner of Correcaminos to confirm, if Goodson ever worked at El Correcaminos.  

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