Monday, May 6, 2013

Contreras From MC Multiservicios Attempts To Buy Off Goodson

Jenny Contreras and Juan G. Contreras

Contreras airs recorded conversation attempting to buy off Goodson and to get him to remove articles about him from news blog.

May 6, 2013

Milwaukee, WI (HNNUSA) - On Monday, Juan G. Contreras and Jenny Contreras from MC Multiservicios aired an edited recorded conversation where Juan is attempting to buy off H. Nelson Goodson from Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA). Contreras is trying to get Goodson to remove certain articles from HNNUSA for a price. Goodson said, "Contreras is heard attempting to get me to remove certain articles for a price, but as the conversation continues he realized I can't be bought off." Contreras accused Goodson of "intent to extort" in the Nfoque Latino Radio program, which Goodson called in to the Nfoque program and said "it was a false claim by Contreras." Goodson told the listening audience that Contreras could be heard trying to buy off Goodson, which in the long run failed to do so. Contreras also accused Goodson of making threats. But Goodson said, "Contreras is making false accusations, simply because Goodson can't be bought off as several other local newspapers were." One thing for sure, Goodson thanked Contreras for releasing the recorded conversation, it only shows Juan G. Contreras attempting to pay off Goodson. "How devious, the Contreras can stoop too!," Goodson said.
Goodson said, "I just went along with his attempt to buy me off, to see how far and how low he would get. But, since Contreras never attempted to exchange money, I didn't expose his attempt to buy me off. Now that he publicly aired a conversation where he is attempting to buy me off, people can judge for themselves, about the true character of the Contreras."
Contreras has paid to place several full page ads in El Conquistador and El Mañanero Newspapers accusing Goodson of being involved with a group engaging in defamation against MC Multiservicios, which Goodson says is false and untrue. Goodson only reported what was happening with the allegations raised by 49 alleged victims that accused Contreras of keeping part of their tax refunds. All of the lawsuits were later dismissed. Another business owner later retracted and stated that the allegations against the Contreras were false and untrue. 
Goodson was the only reporter and the first to report the dismissal of the cases. 
The Contreras have tried to alleged that Goodson was involved with a group in making false allegations against the Contreras, but Goodson says, it is false. The Contreras have paid several other local newspapers to publish false statements made by Contreras against Goodson. "Contreras said in Nfoque, both newspapers have been helping him, but in fact he has paid them off (bought off) to publish false and inaccurate statements about my person," Goodson said.
In the Contreras recording, Nfoque Latino listeners could hear Contreras attempting various times to get Goodson to name a price. Goodson says, "I never done this," but finally Contreras couldn't buy off Goodson.
"Contreras in releasing a recording where he is attempting to buy me off, only shows his true character in attempting to buy people off. He might buy off other people, but I'm not for sale. NO ME VENDO," Goodson said.
In brief, Contreras has made several serious slanderous and defamation claims against Goodson. Contreras has not provided any proof of his claims and the latest release of a recorded conversation with Goodson, only shows his attempt to buy off Goodson. Goodson has never sold out for any cause, reason or price as the community is aware off.
In November 2012, Contreras placed several paid full page ads making false claims that Goodson was involved with a group to intentionally engage in defamation against MC Multiservicios. Any legal claim will actually reveal, that both the Contreras have been making false claims about Goodson for just reporting news, which in this case their business was in the public light and continues to be by their own choice. Goodson has also written about the Contreras selling useless ID's to their clients for more than $50.00. The useless ID's offer is still printed on their front business window on Chavez Dr. and has been previously offered in ads in their own Magazine known as "Revista Latina," which its director is Jenny.
Goodson has never and will never remove any news item (story or article)  that he has written, since the articles are based on actual news events, breaking news, event happenings, reporting of incidents, lawsuits, crime and etc.
In Contreras lastest full page paid ad that was printed in El Conquistador, he states that he told Goodson what was being alleged about him was planned to ruin his reputation. Also that Goodson had reported for El Correcaminos. Both allegations by Contreras are false, Goodson says.
In Nfoque Latino, during the radio program both Contreras and his wife Jenny accused Goodson publicly of intent to extort and being involved with a group engaged in defamation against them, which in fact these allegations are blatantly false. In a released edited recorded conversation, Contreras tells Goodson he wants those prior news reports about his lawsuit and other articles removed from HNNUSA and is pressing Goodson to give him a price, but Goodson went along with the conversation to see how far Contreras would go in an attempt to buy Goodson off.
In the end, Goodson never gave in and didn't sell out as several other newspapers have done to publish false statements about Goodson.

Worth mentioning:

Contreras told Zonia Lopez, the Nfoque Latino host that Goodson didn't like what was being published, but that all media outlets received the same information that his lawyer Victor Arellano released. They might have received it, however HNNUSA found that what was released by Arellano was totally different than what was printed in El Conquistador, which two weeks ago published an article by Manuel "Manny" Ortiz that included multiple false comments about Goodson.
Last week Friday, a full page statement paid by Contreras making false statements about Goodson was also published, which Contreras failed to mention in the Nfoque Latino program.
Lopez apologized twice to Contreras for Goodson giving a news report that a lawsuit was officially filed against the Contreras. Goodson was just reporting what the community already knew, since word spread about the lawsuits filed. Goodson said, "the Contreras had an agenda in Nfoque and that was to personally slander my person. I was the first reporter that published the result of the lawsuits, their dismissals and the retraction made by the owner of another business involved."
Lopez did apologized to the Contreras by her own choice. Goodson in this case was just reporting regardless of the outcome of the lawsuits and Goodson did report the outcome of the lawsuits, which are now a dead issue. But with Contreras' latest allegations and false statements printed in several local newspapers against Goodson could very well put the Contreras in a legal battle. They are going to have to prove that statements made by Contreras in his personal and MC Multiservicios full page paid ad in El Conquistador that was published in November and on Friday are true.
Victor Huyke, publisher of El Conquistador would also have to prove that statements made by Contreras in the full paid ads are true as well, because the ads were placed in his newspaper. Goodson had previously told Huyke that what Contreras was paying to publish against Goodson was false.
A Mañanero newspaper worker confirmed, that in November they placed a full page ad paid by Contreras because he paid for it, despite any false statements against Goodson that he included in the ad. The Mañanero worker said, they have a disclaimer in the editorial section that they are not responsible for what advertisers place on their newspaper. But in fact, they are responsible as well.
Goodson has requested a retraction from Huyke and El Mañanero to avoid legal action against them.

Part one: Nfoque Contreras audio1

Part two: Nfoque Contreras audio2

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