Friday, May 31, 2013

Two Undocumented Women From Honduras Fatally Shot By Gunmen For Not Paying $100 Quota To Ride Freight Train

The bodies of Cynthia Carolina Cruz Bonilla and Suleida Raudales Flores from Honduras were found along La Bestia train route. They were killed in cold blood for not paying between $100 to 400 dollars each to ride La Bestia from Palenque, Chiapas to Tenosique, Tabasco.

Photo courtesy of Tabasco Hoy/Genaro Sánchez

The two women from Honduras were riding in freight train when they were killed, then their bodies were thrown off the moving train.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 31, 2013

Palenque, Chiapas, Mexico - On Friday, the Chiapas state attorney's office (PGJE) in a news release reported that the bodies of two women, Cynthia Carolina Cruz Bonilla, 19, and Suleida Raudales Flores, 24, from Honduras had been recovered along the freight train route (La Bestia). The women were shot around 3:30 p.m. by gunmen on Thursday after they failed to pay a quota of $100 to ride the train on their way to the U.S. border.
The victims were traveling with a group of undocumented immigrants in a train near the municipality of Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico close from the Guatemala border when they were killed, according to the PGJE. 
No one has been arrested for the double homicide. The Palenque, Chiapas to Tenosique, Tabasco train route is the most dangerous route for immigrants.
More than 140,000 of undocumented immigrants from South and Central America illegally travel through Mexico on their way to the U.S.  
Los Zetas and affiliated criminal organizations control the train routes that undocumented immigrants travel through the states of Chiapas, Tabasco and Tamaulipas. The Mexican federal government has failed to secure its border crossing with Guatemala and don't provided sufficient manpower to provide security in those clandestine routes.
Most immigrants fall into extortions, armed robberies, prostitution, kidnappings for ransom, human organ thefts, drug trafficking and other crimes. The exploitation of immigrants has become a multi-million dollar criminal underground market that both the Zetas, affiliated criminal organizations, corrupt state and federal government officials have profited for the last decade. The profits generated by crimes on immigrants has become one of the main reasons that the lack of criminal investigations and border security between the Mexico-Guatemala has prevailed.
More than 70,000 immigrants have been reported missing in Mexico for the last six years. Only 80 of those missing have been located alive.
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Gardland Charged With Two Counts Of Sexual Assault Of A Child


Megan Garland

Garland, a science and biology teacher at Messmer High School has been charged with two counts of 2nd-degree sexual assault of a 14 and 15-year-old male students from Messmer.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 31, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Megan Garland, 28, of Waukesha was charged with two felony counts for 2nd-degree sexual assault of a 14 and 15-year-old male students from Messmer High School. Police continue to investigate, if Gardland sexually assaulted more students.
On May 23, police were called to investigate a woman and child having sex around 6:30 p.m. at the Destiny High School parking lot at the 7200 block of N. 76 St. 
A witness at the scene told police, that Garland and the 14-year-old boy had been discovered having oral sex inside a parked vehicle after the witness noticed the vehicle rocking and had steam in the windows. When the witness opened the door to investigate, Garland was caught performing oral sex on the boy. The boy had his pants down and Garland was just giving him oral sex, according to the witness.
The boy later admitted to police that Garland had indeed performed oral sex on him and that another 15-year-old boy had sexual contact with Gardland as well. Gardland allegedly had sexual contact with both boys in mid May, according to the criminal complaint.
Garland was recently hired as a science and biology teacher at Messmer, but has been suspended pending the outcome of the case.
If convicted, Garland is facing up to 80 years in prison and $200,000 in fines.

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Banda Sentenced To Three Years In Prison For Child Neglect Resulting In Death


Marcos A. Colin, Alyssa Marie Banda and Jayden Banda

Banda gets three years in prison and three years supervision in the death of her 5-year-old son.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 31, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, Alyssa Marie Banda, 21, was sentenced to three years in prison and three hears supervision for one felony count for neglecting a child resulting in death. She pled guilty last month.
Also several weeks ago, Marcos A. Colin, 24, was sentenced to 19 years in prison and 14 years of extended supervision for the October 18, 2012, death of Jayden Banda, 5. Colin pleaded guilty to two felony counts of 2nd-degree reckless homicide and child neglect resulting in great bodily harm for punching Jayden and causing his death.
Doctors reported to police that Jayden had suffered a blown pupil, a baseball-size bruise to the head, a scrape to the chin and at least 20 bruises to his body, according to the criminal complaint.
 Last year, Banda told police that Colin was "toughening him up" by jabbing him back handed with boxing gloves. But a doctor claimed, Jayden was punched multiple times with abusive and aggressive force causing severe injuries resulting in his death.
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Maldonado Released From Jail After Mexican Judge Found No Clear Evidence Of Drug Smuggling


Yanira Maldonado

A Mexican judge freed Maldonado after video surveillance indicated she was not carrying 12 pounds of Marijuana into a bus heading to the U.S. from Mexico.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 31, 2013

Nogales, Sonora, Mexico - On Thursday, a Mexican judge after reviewing the alleged drug trafficking case against Yanira Maldonado, 42, of Goodyear, Arizona for nine hours decided to release her from custody around 11:23 p.m. Maldonado was held in jail for nine days and after surveillance video indicated earlier in the day that she couldn't have attempted to smuggle 12 pounds of marijuana into a bus headed to the U.S., the judge finally released her from custody.
Maldonado was detained on May 22, after Mexican military police at a Benjamin Hill checkpoint discovered several packages of marijuana under her seat in a bus during a routine search for drugs or contraband. Even several bus passengers had testified that Maldonado and her husband weren't carrying any packages large enough to contain marijuana on the bus.
Maldonado and her husband Gary boarded a Tufesa passenger bus in Mochis, Sinaloa and were heading back to the U.S.
She called for authorities to check for fingerprints on the packages and to review surveillance video while boarding the bus to confirm that she in no way was trying to smuggle drugs. Video surveillance presented in a court hearing on Thursday by her attorney that was reviewed, indicated that neither Maldonado or her husband had the packages of marijuana on them while boarding the bus to get back to the U.S. after attending a funeral for one of her aunts in Mexico. The Maldonado's in the video were seen with two blankets, a water bottle and she was only carrying a purse, which was not big enough to carry large packages of marijuana. The blankets were folded in such a way they could not be used to hide the packages.
She and her huband are Mormons and have seven children and two grandchildren. Maldonado earns about $20,000 per month as a disability care provider. Her husband also earns about $36,000 per month in salary, indicating that they don't need to smuggle drugs to make money, according to her attorney. 
Maldonado's attorney José Francisco Benitez Paz told the media that she had lived a nightmare for nine days, but is happy to leave Mexico. Maldonado a Mexican national became a U.S. citizen and is living in Arizona.
The federal Mexican prosecutor plans to appeal the decision to release Maldonado and the case could drag on for several months, despite clear evidence that Maldonado couldn't have been smuggling marijuana. Maldonado's attorney will handle the case in Mexico in her absence. She can't return to Mexico to visit her family until the case is cleared up and close.
The Maldonado's believe that they were framed and the Mexican military police and authorities just wanted a bribe to let them go without charges.
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Thursday, May 30, 2013

No Arrests Made During Sit-in To Block Wisconsin Avenue During Immigration Rally


Photo: VDLF

More than one hundred supporters and family members of immigrants stage rally and sit-in in front of Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's Milwaukee office.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 30, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, more than 100 supporters and family members of undocumented immigrants staged a rally and a 20 minute sit-in at the 500 block of East Wisconsin Ave. in front of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson's (R) Milwaukee office. A group of 18 people sat on Wisconsin Ave. and temporarily blocked traffic. 
Police warned the group to move from the street or they would get arrested. The group complied and no one was detained or cited, according to police.
The rally was staged by Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) in front of Sen. Johnson's office in an attempt to halt deportations and for Johnson to support a Senate immigration bill to be debated in June.
Sen. Johnson supports an immigration bill, but the current bill needs to be amended for him to fully support it. Johnson wants a secure border, immigration reform system and a path to citizenship for those whose only federal civil immigration violation was to overstay their visas or crossed into the U.S. illegally to work and provide a future for their children and families. 
Sen. Johnson was conducting immigration hearings and was not in Milwaukee during the rally, according to his staff.

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FBI Accused Of Coverup In Alleged Todashev Murder By Agents


Ibragrim Todashev

Todashev who was unarmed had been shot six times by federal agents during an interview about the Boston bombings and a triple murder.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 30, 2013

Orlando, Florida - On Thursday,  family members alleged that Ibragrim Todashev, 27, had been executed and murdered by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents at his Orlando home. The FBI was questioning Todashev about his link to one of the Boston bombers and the murder of three men when Todashev was fatally shot inside his residence.
FBI agents and law enforcement officials had first reported that Todashev armed himself with knife and agents had fatally shot him. Multiple federal and law enforcement sources are now confirming that Todashev was never armed as previoisly reported by the FBI.
Since, the investigation is being handled as a national security incident, the truth will probably never be revealed. Most likely no federal agent will ever be prosecuted for Todashev's homicide.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

54-year-old Motorcyclist Injuried While Trying To Avoid City Garbage Truck


Motorcyclist hurt after dumping bike to avoid hitting City of Milwaukee garbage truck.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 29, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday, Jesus "Chuy" Atilano, 54, was driving westbound at the 2000 block of W. Morgan when he was injured around 1:40 p.m. after he dumped his motorcycle to avoid hitting a City of Milwaukee garbage truck that was making a wide right turn into an alley. Police at the scene said, the motorcyclist was injured after he jumped off and dumped his bike to avoid hitting the city truck. The city garbage truck was also heading westbound on the right lane and then change to the far left lane to make a wide right turn into an alley apparently blocking the biker's right of way. 
Atilano was behind the city truck on the right lane when he notice that the truck changed to the left lane. Atilano kept going on the right lane and when he was about half way of the right side of the truck, he noticed that the truck driver decided to make a right turn while Atilano was still between the right side of the truck and the right lane near the side curb. Atilano reacted by attempting to slow down, then jumped off and dumped his 1800 Honda bike to avoid a collision. The motorcycle slid multiple feet and ended up on the front right of the city truck. The truck still had its right signal on after hitting the bike, but Atilano was driving on the trucks blind spot and the driver might have not noticed him before making the right turn.
The motorcycle sustained minor damaged and a friend later drove it home from the accident. 
The motorcycle driver was taken to Froedtert Hospital for treatment. 
A police sergeant at the scene said, the driver will probably feel his injuries for several months, but is expected to recover. 
Also, an officer directing traffic at the corner of S. 20th St. and W. Morgan was slightly hit by a woman driving southbound on S. 20th, who tried to turn East on Morgan. The officer forced the woman to pull over and gave her a warning, but was not cited, according Jose Correa, 60, and Carmelo Correa, 49, who witnessed the incident.
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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Milwaukee's Mexican Fiesta Confirms Bachatero Toby Love and Mexican Singer Paquita la del Barrio For August Festival

Milwaukee Mexican Fiesta provides a historic richness and cultural identity for Hispanics in the state, including the midwest and celebrates its cultural diversity by presenting an array of foods, crafts, music entertainers and folkloric performers during the three day Summer festival.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 28, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, Mexican Fiesta organizers released multiple confirmations of entertainers to be presented at the three day Summer Spanish language music and cultural festival from August 23, 24, 25 at the Henry Mier Festival Grounds or Summerfest grounds. The latest confirmation was Bachatero Toby Love and Alejandra Orozco. Since early May, Mexican Fiesta announced that Paquita la del Barrio, a singer famous for her Mexican songs bashing men, Mariachi Joya de México, Banda Machos, Emilio Naviara and Fidel Rueda have been confirmed to appear at the lakefront festival.
Mexican Fiesta offers an array of traditional Mexican food, Tejano and Mexican entertainment, artisians and crafts from Mexico.
In brief history: Mexican Fiesta was the spin-off of Fiesta Mexicana, which began as a South side street festival in the early 1970's to help generate scholarships funds to help Latinos/as pay for their college tuition. Fiesta Mexicana had been run by several groups, the first was Latin American Union for Civil Rights, second by a local LULAC Chapter and then finally taken over by the Wisconsin Hispanic Scholarship Foundation, Inc. (WHSF), who opened a facility at 2997 S. 20th Street. WHSF has provided more than $800,000 in scholarships to students attending college, since it took over Mexican Fiesta in 1987.
Many of the original volunteers and organizers continue to participate in organizing today's Mexican Fiesta in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
It was created by Latino community educational activists who were originally involved in the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) takeover of Chapman Hall and other parts of the university on August 27, 1970. That year, there were only 14 Hispanic students attending the university compared to 25,000 White students. Latinos wanted equal access to higher education.
"In Milwaukee many barriers existed blocking their paths to higher education. Their language and cultural distinctness were frowned upon, and they had limited access to information and few professional role models. Discriminatory treatment was the norm," cited from Myriad Magazine UWM 1990.
Four Hispanics were arrested on August 27, 1970, while engaged in a peaceful sit-in, protest and persistence to change UWM policy to allow Latinos to enroll. The four people arrested were Jesus Salas, Marla O. Anderson, Dante Navarro,  Gregorio "Goyo" Rivera and Jose Luis Huerta-Sanchez. Navarro passed away on April 18, 2013 and Anderson passed away on May 1, 1984.
Latinos succeeded in gaining access to UWM and the Spanish Speaking Outreach Institute (SSOI) was created in 1970. Then it was renamed to the Roberto Hernández Center in 1996. Hernández one of the key leaders of the educational movement in 1970 passed away in 1994. The SSOI was established to help recruit, counsel, advice and to retain enrollment of students at UWM.
This Summer, the historic takeover of UW-Milwaukee by the Hispanic community will mark its 43rd Anniversary of providing higher education to Hispanics and minorities, including low income whites who were once discriminated and kept from seeking opportunities in higher education. The lack of higher educational opportunities in 1970 for Latinos, blacks and other minorities even low income whites created a cheap labor force for Milwaukee and throughout the state over four decades ago.
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Messmer High School Science Teacher Charged For Giving Oral Sex To Student


Megan Garland

Garland, a science and biology teacher from Messmer High School busted while performing oral sex inside a parked vehicle to a 14-year-old male student from Messmer.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 28, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, Megan Garland, 28, of Waukesha was charged with one felony count for 2nd-degree sexual assault of a 14-year-old male student from Messmer High School. Last Thursday, police were called to investigate a woman and child having sex around 6:30 p.m. at the Destiny High School parking lot at the 7200 block of N. 76 St. 
A witness at the scene told police, that Garland and the 14-year-old boy had been discovered having oral sex inside a parked vehicle after the witness noticed the vehicle rocking and had steam in the windows. When the witness opened the door to investigate, Garland was caught performing oral sex on the boy. The boy had his pants down and Garland was just giving him oral sex, according to the criminal complaint.
The boy later admitted to police that Garland had indeed performed oral sex on him.
Garland was recently hired as a science and biology teacher at Messmer, but has been suspended pending the outcome of the case.
If convicted, Garland is facing up to 40 years in prison and $100,000 in fines.

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Feds Found No Evidence To Prosecute Three Milwaukee Police Officers For Williams Death

Derek Williams suffocating in MPD police squad.

The U.S. Attorney's Office, Civil Rights Division and The FBI found no evidence that three Milwaukee police officers willfully intended to violate the civil rights of Derek Williams on July 6, 2011 or contributed to his death.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 28, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, James L. Santelle, the U.S. Attorney for Eastern Wisconsin announced his office, the Civil Rights Division and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) found no credible evidence that three Milwaukee police officers contributed to Derek Williams, 22, death on July 6, 2011. Williams was taken into custody for suspicion of attempting to rob three UW-Milwaukee students.
Williams whose last moments of his life were captured on a squad camera pleading for help because he had a difficult time breathing was very dramatic, but a lack of lighting and officers not being with  Williams constantly couldn't determine that he was actually suffering from a health issue, according to Santelle.
A ruling by a Assistant Medical Examiner Cristopher Poulos in 2011 indicated Williams had died from sickle cell complications. The feds after examining medical records and autopsy results from Williams death on Tuesday confirmed that his cause of death is undetermined. The Williams medical results also indicated no evidence of abuse, trauma or a broken neck bone as previously believed. 
Lacking any credible evidence to prosecute for a Civil Rights violation, Santelle decided not to pursue any prosectution charges against three Milwaukee police officers.
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Saturday, May 25, 2013

El Piolin, Zeta Leader Pled Guilty For Killing ICE Special Agent Zapata In Mexico


Julian Zapata Espinoza, aka, "El Piolin" and deceased ICE Special Agent Jaime J. Zapata

Four Zeta members extradited to U.S. convicted for murder and attempted murder of two ICE agents in San Luis Potosi.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 25, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Thursday, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced that Julian Zapata Espinoza, 32, also known as "El Piolin," plead guilty in a U.S. federal court for the murder of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Special Agent Jaime J. Zapata, 32, and the attempted murder of ICE Special Agent Victor Avila in Mexico. Three other Zeta members in the past two years have pled guilty to related charges, Ruben Dario Venegas Rivera, 25, also known as "El Catracho," pleaded guilty on August 1, 2011, to federal charges concerning the murder of Special Agent Zapata and attempted murder of Special Agent Avila. Jose Ismael Nava Villagran, 30, also known as "El Cacho," pleaded guilty on January 4, 2012, also to federal charges concerning the murder and attempted murder of the ICE agents. Francisco Carbajal Flores, 38, also known as "El Dalmata," pleaded guilty on January 10, 2012, to conspiracy to conduct the affairs of an enterprise through a pattern of racketeering activity and to being an accessory after the fact to the murder and attempted murder of the ICE agents. The convicted Zetas are facing life in prison. No sentencing date has been scheduled for the convicted Zetas. 
On February 15, 2011, Espinosa along with Rivera, Villagran and 12 others attempted in a roadblock to intercept an armored diplomatic vehicle on highway 57 in San Luis Potosi, Mexico driven by ICE Agent Zapata and its passenger Agent Avila. The two ICE agents were working for the ICE Attaché Office in Mexico City. They were driving from San Luis Potosi after they picked up some equipment and were returning to their home office in Mexico City when they were attacked in an ambushed. 
Espinoza wanted to steal the vehicle from the occupants not knowing they were ICE agents. They chased the vehicle, rammed it and fired multiple shots at the SUV. When the SUV stopped, the door locks of the SUV malfunctioned and automatically opened after Zapata put the gear on park allowing the Zetas to get partial access into the vehicle critically wounding Zapata and injuring Avila. The agents identified themselves as ICE agents, but were able to escape the ambush and call for backup. The agents carried handguns according to Mexican media reports, but were outgunned by the high power rifles the Zetas were firing at them. The U.S. government hasn't confirmed, if the agents were actually armed. The Mexican government prohibited U.S. agents from carrying weapons inside Mexico.
Agent Zapata later died in a Mexican hospital and Agent Avila who was hit in the leg and arm was flowned to Mexico City for treatment.
Agent Zapata was working for the ICE Laredo, Texas office in the Human Smuggling and Trafficking Unit, including the Border Enforcement Security Task Force. Avila had been assigned to the El Paso ICE Office.
When Espinoza was later arrested by Mexican military police, he confessed that he was a known leader of the Zeta group, which operated in the San Luis Potosí area and that ICE Agents Zapata and Avila were mistaken as rival drug cartel gang members by driving an armored black SUV.
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Friday, May 24, 2013

Federal Judge Ruled Sheriff Arpaio Violated The Rights Of Hispanics While Vigorously Enforcing Immigration Laws


Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio and his deputies must stop using racial profiling or ethnicity to enforce immigration laws in Arizona.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 24, 2013

Phoenix, AZ - On Friday, Federal U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow ruled that Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his deputies trained to detain suspected undocument immigrants in the county had violated the constitutional rights of U.S. Hispanic born citizens while enforcing immigration laws. Judge Snow issued a decision in Melendres v. Arpaio that found the policies and practices of Arpaio and his office are discriminatory, violate the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
In Judge Snow's 142 page ruling, the judge found that Sheriff Arpaio trained his deputies to follow his policy to use race and ethnicity to help identify suspects believed to be in the U.S. illegally. Judge Snow also found, Arpaio thought that using race as a factor in enforcing immigration laws was not considered profiling of Hispanics in determining they were illegals, which federal law prohibits.
The ruling now prohibits the Maricopa County Sheriff deputies to use race or Hispanic ancestry as a factor to stop vehicles with Latino occupants to enforce immigration laws. The deputies will also be prohibited from detaining, arresting and turning over the vehicle occupants to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), unless there is "reasonable belief" they're in the country illegally. Also, if the occupants are detained, the deputies must have reasonable suspicion that those detained had violated state human trafficking and employment laws or have committed a crime.
The Maricopa County Sheriff's Office plans to appeal Judge Snow's ruling, but the departmentd will comply with the judge's ruling.
"This is a victory for everyone," said Cecillia Wang, director of the ACLU Immigrants' Rights Project. "Singling people out for traffic stops and detentions because they are Latino is unconstitutional and just plain un-American. Let this be a warning to any agency trying to enforce the 'show me your papers' provision of SB 1070 and similar laws — there is no exception in the Constitution for immigration enforcement."
The ACLU also reported that on Sept. 25, a federal appeals court confirmed that Arpaio's office cannot detain people solely on the suspicion that they are undocumented by refusing to reverse a lower court's ruling.
In the Ortega Melendres, et al. v. Arpaio, et al. lawsuit, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Arizona, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), and the law firm Covington & Burling LLP represented a class of Latino residents and a Latino community organization, Somos America.
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West Allis Police Detective Sterling Gets Probation And Community Service For Lying To Investigators


Bradley J. Sterling

West Allis Detective Bradley Sterling pled guilty for a misdemeanor in connection with lying to investigators concerning an inappropriate sexually suggestive conversation with a woman.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 24, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, West Allis Police Detective Bradley J. Sterling, 42, of Franklin pled guilty to one misdemeanor count for resisting and obstructing an officer. Sterling was sentenced to 5 months straight time in the House of Corrections, but the sentence was stayed to 12 months probation and 60 hours of community service in a domestic violence organization. He would also have to get a mental health evaluation and must take all medication as condition of probation, according to court records.
The reduced charge resulted from last January's arrest of Sterling after a woman accused him of sexual assault. Bradley was facing charges for sexual assault and misconduct, including 9 months in jail. 
The Milwaukee County District Attorney's office charged Sterling with a lesser charged after he contradicted himself and made a repeated statement that he never made suggestive sexual comments to a woman. Recorded conversations between Sterling and the woman contradicted his statements. 
Bradley has been stripped of police powers and placed in paid administrative leave. The West Allis Police Department hasn't confirmed, if Sterling will continue to get paid while on probation or will he be put back on the force after he completes his 12 month probation period. 
Bradley apparently stopped and search the woman in January 9th near the 7100 block of W. Burnham. He found the woman attractive and told her that he wanted to have sex with her. Bradley asked the woman, if she wanted to have sex with him and use cocaine. Bradley then groped the woman's privates while searching her, according to the initial preliminary investigation.

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28-year-old Female Messmer Teacher Attempts Suicide After Sexually Assaulting Boy

Messmer female science teacher tried to commit suicide after being discovered in a parked vehicle with a 14-year-old male student having sex.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 24, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Thursday, police were called to investigate a couple having sex around 6:30 p.m. at the Destiny High School parking lot at the 7200 block of N. 76 St. A tip led police to the school parking lot where they discovered a 14-year-old male Messmer student inside a vehicle with a 28-year-old Messmer High School female teacher. The teacher was caught having sex with the boy, according to police.
The teacher shortly after being approached by police attempt suicide, but she was taken into custody and hospitalized for non-life threatening injuries. She remains under a suicide watch and is expected to be charged with sexual assault of a child. 
The 14-year-old boy was not injured in the incident, according to police.
The preliminary investigation indicates, both the teacher and boy were attending an event at the Destiny High School when they ended up in a vehicle, where the boy was sexually assaulted. Police have not confirmed, if the teacher had a history of having sex with the boy in prior occasions. 
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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Members From The Community And Clergy Seek Transparency On Workplace Accident Reporting At Palermo's Pizza



Five members of the community and clergy attempted to meet with Palermo Villa's management to seek transparency of workplace accident reporting and a resolution to ongoing labor conflict.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 23, 2013

Milwaukee,  WI - On Thursday, a group of labor, public officials, clergy and members of the community, including staff from Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) met outside Palermo Villa, Inc. at 3301 W. Canal St. to request transparency on workplace accident reporting and a resolution to ongoing labor conflict. A five member group was unable to meet with Palermo's management because they didn't have an appointment. They would have to reschedule a date to actually meet with Palermo's management over several issues dealing with transparency and a labor conflict.
In September 2012, Steve Sallman, Safety and Health Specialist  from the United Steelworkers in Pittsburgh, PA requested workplace accident reports for various injuries involving employees who authorized for their accident related records to be release by Palermo Villa. Records are required to be release in 24 hours, according to OSHA. But 21 days later, Laura Johnston, Vice President of Palermo's Villa Human Resources released redacted employee workplace accident records to Sallman. Johnston refused to release the records to Sallman earlier because, there was "no collective bargaining in place, you are not an authorized employee representative." Sallman then sent Johnston the employee authorization release documents and the Palermo workplace accident records were released to the union.
Last Friday, the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued several citations for safety violations and for withholding information about certain safety incidents against Palermo Villa, Inc. totalling $38,500 in fines. VDLF who made the announcement through a news release says, the OSHA fines comes after a 22-year-old man had three fingers amputated by a Palermo's pizza machine on May 7.
VDLF states, the new citations issued by OSHA carry fines totaling $38,500. These include seven "serious" violations and one "Other-than-serious" violation for process safety violations surrounding the ammonia refrigeration system. Ammonia is a deadly gas that in large quantities can cause mass casualties. OSHA defines a "serious" violation as existing "when the workplace hazard could cause an accident or illness that would most likely result in death or serious physical harm."
In addition to the numerous citations, OSHA claimed that Palermo Villa, Inc. hid (redacted) information about injuries that should have been reported. 
In a cover letter dated May 17, 2013, OSHA criticized Giacomo Fallucca, Palermo's president and CEO for redacting injury details from a federally required injury log for the period between 2008 and 2011.
OSHA also ordered Fallucca to "immediately provide the original requester copies of the un-redacted OSHA logs."
OSHA is now the second federal agency to find Palermo Villa guilty of violating federal law. The National Labor Relations Board found in November 2012 that Palermo's management threatened and retaliated against workers who sought union recognition and ordered 11 workers reinstated with back-pay, but Palermo Villa has yet to comply with this order, according to VDLF.
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Racine Fiesta Mexicana Group To Hold Event After Suspending Festival In 2012


Organizers for the Racine Fiesta Mexican are planning to hold their event in mid August after suspending their festival last year.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 23, 2013

Racine, WI - On Wednesday, Guadalupe "Wally" Rendon, Director of the Racine Fiesta Mexicana announced in the Racine Fiesta Facebook account that the group is planning to hold the event by mid August after suspending the festival last year. The Fiesta Mexicana festival incurred a debt on 2011 and the organizers, Hispanic Business and Professional Association, Inc. (HBPA) Board of Directors decided to suspend the festival in 2012.
Rendon states, that the group will most likely confirm a date over the Memorial Day weekend.
Fiesta Racine draws more than 6000 people to its 3-day fest held in August of each year. Funds generated from the fest are returned back to the community in forms of educational scholarships, food baskets, cultural events, according to Rendon.
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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

López Won In The 8th Season Of Tengo Talento Mucho Talento Show

Hugo César López

López won 1st place and netted $100,000 in prize money, including a contract with Estrella TV.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 22, 2013

Los Angeles, CA - On Wednesday, Hugo César López "El Muchacho Alegre" from Austin, Texas won 1st Place in the 8th season of the Tengo Talento Mucho Talento Show competition and won a $100,000 prize, including a contract with Estrella TV. López is originally from Luvianos township in the State of Mexico.
López was fired from his job as a painter and building cleaner in Austin for taking time off to participate in the show. López wanted to win, so he could pay his rent and bills that accumulated while he followed his dream. His wife in a prior program stated, "that in her eyes, he is a winner." Now, he will continue on his quest to succeed after gaining a contract with Estrella TV.
López through his Facebook account thanked his fans and all of those who called or text to cast their vote in the show.
More than 25,000 have participated in the talent show and López was among the last 13 participants on Tuesday night.
The Tengo Talento Mucho Talento (TTMT) show is aired on Estrella TV. The TTMT TV hosts were Don Chelo, Ana Bárbara, Pepe Garza, Sergio Catalán and La Chupitos.
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British Soldier Murdered And Killers Wait 20 Minutes At Scene To Confront Police


Suspect holds bloody knives in hand while making political statements.

Photo: amateur video

Several terrorist suspects killed an unarmed British soldier by stabbing him multiple times while people watched.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 22, 2013

London, England - Police on Wednesday shot several terrorist suspects who attacked and killed an unarmed soldier dressed in civilian clothes on John Wilson Street in Woolrich. The suspects ran over the soldier near an army barracks with their vehicle and then attacked the soldier by stabbing him multiple times.
After killing the soldier, the suspects allowed people who witnessed the homicide to take amateur video of them while they made political statements. The suspects waited at least 20 minutes at the crime scene until police finally arrived.
Police then shot both suspects and were taken to separate London hospitals for treatment. Knives, a meat cleaver and a gun were recovered by police at the scene.
Witnesses told media outlets that the suspects killed the soldier because they were tired of British soldiers killing Muslims and wanted to start a war. Police haven't confirmed, if the victim was actually a British soldier. 
British authorities say, they're handling the investigation as a terrorist act. Some members of Parliament are questioning why it took police 20 minutes to get to the crime scene, leaving people in the area in harms way.
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Germany Takes Over Ownership Of Bieber's Capuchin Monkey

Justin Bieber and Mally

The Nature Conversation agency in Germany has taken over the ownership of Mally after Justin Bieber failed to provide proper documents to import the Capuchin monkey.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 22, 2013

Munich, Germany - On Tuesday, the German Nature Conversation agency confirmed that Justin Bieber, 19, failed to produce proper vaccination and documents of exotic animal health authorization permits to import his Capuchin monkey named Mally into the country. Mally, a 20 week old monkey will be taken to a German Zoo.
Bieber has up to six weeks to appeal the agency's decision to strip Bieber's ownership. The agency will also bill Bieber for more than $2,000 for taking care of the monkey, according to the Nature Conservation agency.
Mally was seized on March 29 by German customs after Bieber was caught attempting to smuggle Mally into Germany without the proper documents. Bieber flew from Los Angeles to Germany and landed at Munich's Franz Josef Strauss Airport where authorities discovered the monkey in Bieber's possession.
Bieber is facing up to $15,000 in fines.

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Immigration Bipartisan Bill 744 Heads To Full U.S. Senate For Consideration


The Senate Judiciary Committee approved S. 744 on Tuesday with path to citizenship for 11 million of undocumented immigrants living in the shadows.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 22, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Tuesday, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee on an vote of 13-5 approved the bipartisan Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act of 2013 (S.744) with a path to citizenship for millions of undocumented immigrants living in the country. 
The bill, which kept most of its amendments, including a key provision allowing for millions of undocumented immigrants and their children to apply for citizenship. The full Senate will begin hearing debate over S. 744 in June.
An amendment introduced by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) denying citizenship for anyone who over stayed their visas, crossed the border into the U.S. Illegally and those who were deported was rejected by the committee. Sen. Cruz told the committee members that he believes that a path to citizenship in the bill will only attract future illegal immigration into the U.S. and the House of Representatives would reject S. 744 for allowing a path to citizenship. 
A total of 48 Republican amendments were adopted by the Judiciary Committee. 
Anti-immigrant groups were disappointed with Tuesday's passage of S. 744 and are claiming, if the bill is passed it will allow more than 50 million immigrants to legally enter the U.S., which will cost the U.S. 6.3 trillion in a 10-year period. None of the anti-immigrant groups claiming the exaggerated numbers justified their findings.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

78-year-old Historian Commits Suicide Inside Paris Norte-Dame Cathedral


Dominique Venner

Venner walked into Norte-Dame Cathedral, then put a sawed-off shotgun to his mouth and pulled the trigger in front of more than 1,500 tourists.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 22, 2013

Paris, France - On Tuesday, police confirmed that Dominique Venner, 78, a far right historian walked into the crowed Norte-Dame Cathedral and committed suicide in front of more than 1,500 people. Venner killed himself next to the main altar shortly after 4:00 p.m. 
He pulled out a sawed-off shotgun, placed it his mouth and then pulled the trigger, according to police. A note was found next to him, but police hasn't released what it said.
Venner was known to oppose same-sex marriage.
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Palermo Villa, Inc. Gets More Than $38K In OSHA Fines For Safety Violations And Withholding Safety Incidents Information


OSHA cites numerous safety violations and information left out from safety incidents.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 21, 2013

Milwaukee,  WI - On Friday, the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued several citations for safety violations and for withholding information about certain safety incidents against Palermo Villa, Inc. totalling $38,500 in fines. Voces de la Frontera (VDLF) who made the announcement through a news release says, the OSHA fines comes after a 22-year-old man had three fingers amputated by a Palermo's pizza machine on May 7.
VDLF states, the new citations issued by OSHA carry fines totaling $38,500. These include seven "serious" violations and one "Other-than-serious" violation for process safety violations surrounding the ammonia refrigeration system. Ammonia is a deadly gas that in large quantities can cause mass casualties. OSHA defines a "serious" violation as existing "when the workplace hazard could cause an accident or illness that would most likely result in death or serious physical harm."
In addition to the numerous citations, OSHA claimed that Palermo Villa, Inc. hid information about injuries that should have been reported. In a cover letter dated May 17, 2013, OSHA criticized Giacomo Fallucca, Palermo's president and CEO for redacting injury details from a federally required injury log for the period between 2008 and 2011.
OSHA also ordered Fallucca to "immediately provide the original requester copies of the un-redacted OSHA logs."
OSHA is now the second federal agency to find Palermo Villa guilty of violating federal law. The National Labor Relations Board found in November 2012 that Palermo's management threatened and retaliated against workers who sought union recognition and ordered 11 workers reinstated with back-pay, but Palermo Villa has yet to comply with this order, according to VDLF.
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Monday, May 20, 2013

Washington Activists Protest Deportations And Seek Path To Citizenship For Millions Of Undocumented Immigrants

Photo: Courtesy of Reform Immigration For America

Numerous immigration reform activists staged small scale march and displayed a banner demanding the immediate stop to deportations and for Congress to provide a path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the U.S.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 20, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, multiple immigration reform activists staged a small scale march near the White House and displayed a huge banner demanding for President Obama and Congress to stop deportations that lead to the separation of families, according to a Facebook posting by Reform Immigration for America. The activists are also pushing for the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee to allow amendments that would provide a path to citizenship for 11 million of undocumented immigrants, including their children residing in the country.
On Monday afternoon, the Committee began to hear Title II debates, which includes amendments dealing with the path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. 
This is the last week that the Senate Judiciary Committee will consider any of the more than 300 amendments that have been submitted to be debated and approved to be included in the latest immigration reform bill before the full Senate gets it.

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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Mexican Feds To Create Police Investigative Joint Unit For Missing Persons


A federal government joint unit composed of Segob and the PGR will investigate thousands of missing reports of Mexican nationals, but will it also investigate Central and South American undocumented immigrants missing in Mexico.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 18, 2013

Mexico City, Mexico - On Friday, both Jesús Murillo Karam from the Attorney General's Office (PGR) and Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong, the Secretary of Government (Segob) announced during a press conference that they will create a federal missing persons investigative police joint unit (FMPIPJU) composed of members from the Segob and PGR to investigate more than 26,000 registered missing reports of Mexican nationals. Both Karam and Chong didn't confirm, if the specialized police unit will also investigate missing reports of at least 70,000 of undocumented immigrants from Central and South America. 
Shortly after the decision was made to create the FMPIPJU, hundreds of mothers from Mexico City, the states of Mexico, Oaxaca, Jalisco, Tamaulipas and Veracruz ended their hunger strike that began on May 9, to bring awareness of the thousands of sons and daughters that have been reported missing in Mexico.
The Mexican government reported that at least 26,000 missing persons reports are filed since 2006, but those reports get lost or ignored in different Mexican federal government agencies. The new FMPIPJU (Segob/PGR) will now be in charge of investigating those reported disappearances. 
In 2011, the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR) in a press release reported that more than 5,000 people had disappeared between 2006 to 2011. Of those, 3,457 or 79 percent were men and 1,885 were women.
The NCHR also reported that 8,898 deceased victims have not been identified. The PGR reported that between 2006 to the end of 2010, at least 34,612 deaths were caused by violent crimes.
Some of the missing undocumented immigrants traveling through Mexico have also become victims of criminal organizations and drug cartel feuds, murder, kidnappings for ransom, prostitution rings, drug trafficking, human organ trafficking and extortions.
In the last six years, at least 70,000 of undocumented immigrants from Central and South America have been reported missing in Mexico by their families. More than 140,000 immigrants, including women and children make their way every year through Mexico on their way to the U.S. border.
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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Scott Brothers Charged With 20 Counts Of Attempted Murder For Mother's Day Mass Shootings

Akein Scott and Shawn Scott

Photos: Orleans Parish Prison

Two Scott brothers charged in mass shootings and four others for harboring the fugitives. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 16, 2013

New Orleans, LA - On Thursday, New Orleans police confirmed that they arrested Akein Scott, 19, on Wednesday night in connection with the Mother Day's mass shooting that left more than 19 people, including two 10-year-olds, a boy and girl injured. He was taken into custody at the Little Woods section of eastern part of the city, according to police.
His brother, Shawn Scott, 24, was taken into custody on Thursday in New Orleans. Both of the Scott brothers were charged each with 20 felony counts of 2nd-degree attempted murder. They are both being held on a $10,000,000 dollar bond. The brothers are alleged members of the "Frenchmen and Derbigny Boys" gang.
Four other suspects were also arrested for haboring the Scott brothers. They are Nekia Youngblood, 32, Bionca Hickerson, 22, Brandy George, 28, and Justin Alexander, 19. All four suspects were charged with accessory after the fact of 2nd-degree attempted murder and relative to obstruction of justice by harboring a fugitive, according to the criminal complaint. 
Akein was out on a $15,000 bond for a charge of possession of an illegal weapon and a control of substance. Shawn had four outstanding warrants for Illegal carrying of a weapon, possession with the intent to distribute a controlled, dangerous substance and traffic attachments.  He was currently on parole for possession with the intent to distribute heroin and possession of cocaine until 12/2015.
Police on Monday had released video surveillance images showing the shooting suspect aiming at the parade crowd and shooting at them. More than 400 people participated on Sunday's parade.

Brandy George, Nekia Youngblood, Bionca Kickerson and Justin Alexander

Photos: Orleans Parish Prison
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La Mafia Cancels Atlanta Concert After Lead Singer Assaulted By Alleged Fan

Oscar de la Rosa

Photos courtesy of La Mafia

Police looking for a suspect who assaulted and injured Oscar De la Rosa outside a Houston bar.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 16, 2013

Houston, TX - On Tuesday, Grammy-winner La Mafia Tejano group announced that their Atlanta, Georgia concert for May 18, has been cancel due to multiple injuries that its lead vocalist Oscar de la Rosa suffered on early Monday after an alleged fan attacked him. An unruly fan wanted to take a photo with De la Rosa inside the gay and lesbian mix clientele Blur nightclub in Montrose, but Osar refused and the fan was kicked out of a bar.
The fan later confronted De la Rosa by surprise around 1:30 a.m. outside the bar and attacked both Oscar and his driver before they could react to the attack. De la Rosa was punched several times to the face by the fan, according to police. Police are looking for the suspect.
De la Rosa suffered an injury to his right eye and has lost about 50% of his vision, lost two teeth and had cuts to his nose and face. He was hospitalized at Memorial Hermann Hospital and is now recovering at home.
A police report has been filed and the the identity of the assailant has been confirmed and assault charges will be filed as soon he is located, according to La Mafia's Facebook posting.
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Scott Arrested For The New Orleans Mother's Day Mass Shooting


Akein Scott

New Orleans Mother Day's parade shooter that left 19 people injured, including two children was taken into custody by police.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 16, 2013

New Orleans, LA - On Wednesday, New Orleans police arrested Akein Scott, 19, in connection with a Mother Day's mass shooting of more than 19 people, including two 10-year-olds, a boy and girl. He was taken into custody at the Little Woods section of eastern part of the city, according to police.
Scott was out on a $15,000 bond for a charge of possession of an illegal weapon and a control of substance. 
Police on Monday had released video surveillance images showing the shooting suspect aiming at the parade crowd and shooting at them. More than 400 people participated on Sunday's parade.
A $10,000 dollar reward was being offered for any information leading to Scott's arrest.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Feds Dropped Charges Against Milwaukee Detective Huerta


Willie Huerta

Huerta will not face federal charges, since a federal prosecutor decided to dismiss the charges "without prejudice."

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 16, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday,  Assistant U.S. Attorney Eric O'Neil decided to dismiss federal charges "without prejudice" against Milwaukee Police Detective Willie Huerta, 39, who was accused of providing police inside information and protection services to his cousin, Julio Cruz, 42, a suspected drug dealer. O'Neil can re-file charges at a later time against Huerta. 
Huerta remains under paid suspension from the Milwaukee Police Department (MPD) pending the outcome of an internal investigation.
An informant alleged that Cruz bragged that he had an inside MPD source who provided him with vital police operations intelligence and protected him from getting busted for drugs.
Cruz, his drug supplier and another suspect have been indicted for cocaine trafficking.
Det. Huerta was previously charged by the feds with obstruction of justice for helping to prevent several police officers in early 2011 from using a K-9 dog to search Cruz' tow-truck for drugs, which the truck had an ounce of cocaine and marijuana hidden, according to an informant. 
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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

GOP Florida Hispanic Outreach Director Turns Democrat After False Lower IQ Report About Latinos Cited

Pablo Pantoja

Florida's GOP state director of Hispanic Outreach resigns and then turns Democrat.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 15, 2013

Florida - On Monday, Pablo Pantoja, who recently held the position of state director of Hispanic Outreach for the Republican National Committee abrupty resigned and decided to become a Democrat. He cited that the Heritage Foundation report co-authored by Jason Richwine claiming that new Hispanic immigrants had lower IQ's than the U.S. born white population was false. Since, Richwine's assertions were made public, the Heritage Foundation has distant itself from Richwine's report.
In a released letter, Pantoja stated, "Yes, I have changed my political affiliation to the Democratic Party...
"A researcher included as part of a past dissertation his theory that "the totality of the evidence suggests a genetic component to group differences in IQ." The researcher reinforces these views by saying "No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against."
"The complete disregard of those who are in disadvantage is also palpable...The discourse that moves the Republican Party is filled with this anti-immigrant movement and overall radicalization that is far removed from reality...When the political discourse resorts to intolerance and hate, we all lose in what makes America great and the progress made in society.
"...Regardless of what political affiliation people choose, my respect for some remains. I don't expect all Hispanics to do the same (although I would hope so) but I'm taking a stand against this culture of intolerance," Pantoja, a proud Puerto Rican of his heritage wrote.
More than 27,000 people have signed a petition demanding that Jim DeMint, President of the Heritage Foundation to resign after an "economic study" funded by the foundation claimed new Hispanic immigrants had lower IQ's than the U.S. born population. The study was viewed as demeaning and racist, which drove the Organize Credo Action dot com to create the petition drive against Heritage. The Fair Immigration Reform Movement posted on Facebook that 6,600 pink slips requesting for DeMint to resign or get fired were delivered to Heritage.
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Colin Sentenced To 19 Years In Prison For 5-year-old Child Neglect Death

Marcos A. Colin, Alyssa Marie Banda and Jayden Banda

Colin gets 19 years in prison and 14 years of supervision for the death of 5-year-old.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 14, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Tuesday, Marcos A. Colin, 24, was sentenced to 19 years in prison and 14 years of extended supervision for the October 18, 2012, death of Jayden Banda, 5. Colin pleaded guilty to two felony counts of 2nd-degree reckless homicide and child neglect resulting in great bodily harm for punching Jayden and causing his death.
Doctors reported to police that Jayden had suffered a blown pupil, a baseball-size bruise to the head, a scrape to the chin and at least 20 bruises to his body, according to the criminal complaint.
Last month, Alyssa Marie Banda, 21, pled guilty to one felony count for neglecting a child resulting in death. She will sentenced on May 31, according to court records. 
Last year, Banda told police that Colin was "toughening him up" by jabbing him back handed with boxing gloves. But a doctor claimed, Jayden was punched multiple times with abusive and aggressive force causing severe injuries resulting in his death.
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Monday, May 13, 2013

New Orleans Mother Day's Mass Shooting Suspect Identified

Akein Scott

New Orleans Mother Day's parade shooter that left 19 people injured, including two children identified and wanted by police.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 13, 2013

New Orleans, LA - On Monday, New Orleans police released a photo of Akein Scott, 19, in connection with a Mother Day's mass shooting of more than 19 people, including two 10-year-olds, a boy and girl.
Scott was out on a $15,000 bond for a charge of possession of an illegal weapon and a control of substance. 
Police on Monday released video surveillance images showing the shooting suspect aiming at the parade crowd and shooting at them. More than 400 people participated on Sunday's parade.
A $10,000 dollar reward is being offered for any information leading to his arrest.

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U.S. DOJ Secretly Seized Phone Line Records Of 100 AP Employees


The Associated Press Washington Bureau secretly targeted by U.S. Department of Justice for reporting Yemen bombing plot before it was made public last year.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 13, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, another scandal broke involving the Obama administration after the Associated Press (AP) learned from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) that it had secretly seized phone line records from 20 lines used by reporters and editors. The DOJ seized the phone records, especially from six reporters, Matt Apuzzo, Adam Goldman, Kimberly Dozier, Eleen Sullivan, Alan Fram and their editor Ted Brisdis, in an effort to learn who leaked last year's al-Queda Yemen bomb plot that was stopped by the CIA before it was placed in a U.S. bound airplane. The Yemen bomb plot information was made public on May 7, 2012 before the information was released by the Obama administration. 
The records seized were from April to May 2012, according to the AP.
On Monday, AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt sent a letter of protest to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder for seizing those records that involved more than 100 AP employee phone records. Pruitt also demanded for the return of the phone records and destruction of all records.
Pruitt stated, "There can be no possible justification for such an overbroad collection of the telephone communications of The Associated Press and its reporters. These records potentially reveal communications with confidential sources across all of the newsgathering activities undertaken by the AP during a two-month period, provide a road map to AP's newsgathering operations and disclose information about AP's activities and operations that the government has no conceivable right to know."
Last Friday, Ronald Machen, the U.S. Attorney in Washington notified AP that it had seized phone call records from the companies that provide phone services to AP. Machen didn't explain, why they were seized and if Holder approved the seizure. 
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Sebena And Aleman's Names Inscribed In The NLEOM


Jennifer Sebena and Sergio Aleman

Both deceased law enforcement officers get their names inscribed in the national memorial in Washington,  D.C.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 13, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, the names of two deceased law enforcement officers from Wisconsin were unveiled after being inscribed into the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial (NLEOM) in Judiciary Square at 400 block of E. Street, NW. Wauwatosa Police Officer Jennifer Sebena was murder on Christmas eve by her husband Benjamin Sebena who has been charged with first-degree intentional homicide. 
Milwaukee County Deputy Sheriff Sergio Aleman was killed in July when his service vehicle crashed into the rear of a flatbed tow truck along southbound of I-43 and downtown. 
Both Sebena and Aleman's names were included in the 321 names of fallen law enforcement officers from the U.S. The NLEOM will hold it's 25th Anniversary Candlelight Vigil and the names of the recent fallen officers will be read a loud.
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Sunday, May 12, 2013

At Least 19 Shot During Second Line Parade in New Orleans

Two or three suspects sought for mass shootings in Sunday's New Orleans Mother's Day parade.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 12, 2013

New Orleans, LA - On Sunday, New Orleans police are searching between two or three suspects involved in a mass shooting during an afternoon Mother's Day second-line parade that left 19 people wounded, including a girl and boy both 10 who were grazed by gunfire. The three suspects were seen running from the crime scene at Frenchman and N. Villere Streets in the 7th Ward.
Ten men and seven women were also reported injured.
Police Superintendent Ronal Serpes in a news conference stated, "These are unusual circumstances. We have second lines which occur in the city of New Orleans virtually every weekend at this time of the year. We had a full complement of police officers. It appears that these 2 or 3 people just for a reason unknown to us, started shooting at towards, or in the crowd. It was over in just a couple seconds."
The parade was about two blocks long and an estimated 400 people were attending the parade, according to police.

One of the suspects aiming and shooting at parade participants caught by a camera surveillance video.
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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Did Contreras Violate State Law By Publicly Releasing Recording Of Private Conversation With Goodson?

Jenny Contreras and Juan G. Contreras

Goodson is looking into whether the owners of MC Multiservicios violated state and federal laws by publicly releasing a private cellphone conversation for the purpose to falsely accused him of intent to extort.

May 12, 2013

Milwaukee, WI  (HNNUSA) - On Sunday, H. Nelson Goodson, the administrator of Hispanic News Network U.S.A., a popular news blog announced, that he is looking into whether Jenny Contreras and Juan Contreras, owners of MC Multiservicios violated state law by publicly releasing a private cellphone conversation, in which Goodson didn't know was being recorded for the purpose to falsely accuse him of "intent to extort." The Contreras could have also violated federal wire tapping laws in releasing the recorded conversation as well.
Contreras recorded the conversation after Goodson on numerous times had told him that he couldn't be bought off because Contreras had wanted articles removed from HNNUSA. On May 6, an edited recording of a conversation between Contreras and Goodson was released during a live Nfoque Latino Spanish language radio program at 1460 AM radio. Both the Contreras had falsely accused Goodson of intent to extort and played the conversation for the listening audience. Contreras can be heard that he wanted some articles written about him removed and was pressing for Goodson to name a price.
Goodson says, he went along with Contreras to see how far and low he could get in trying to bribe him. But since Contreras never intended to exchange money, Goodson couldn't expose Contreras' attempt to bribe him.
When Contreras released the recorded conversation in Nfoque Latino, Goodson called the program and told the listeners that both Contreras were making false claims against him and he couldn't be bought off. "No Me Vendo" or "Can't Be Bought" Goodson told the Contreras and the Nfoque Latino Spanish speaking listeners. 
Zonia Lopez, the host of Nfoque Latino later told Goodson, that she didn't hear the recorded conversation before the program. Contreras did get Lopez to air the conversation, which exposed Contreras attempting to get Goodson to name a price to remove multiple articles from the HNNUSA news blog.
Goodson is now looking into whether the Contreras, Nfoque Latino and others with him in the program violated state law by releasing a private recorded conversation for the purpose to falsely accused Goodson of intent to extort.
The Contreras also have their own MC Multiservicios Spanish Language radio program in La GranD 104.7 FM radio. Goodson is also trying to get a recorded copy of their program for Saturday, May 4, to see, if they also aired the conversation with Goodson to their listening audience.
Goodson was the reporter who published multiple news articles about several filed lawsuits between the Contreras and 49 alleged victims claiming that MC Multiservicios kept portions of their tax returns. The lawsuit between the Contreras and the 49 victims were later dismissed. 
A settlement agreement between the Contreras and another business owner was reached and the owner retracted and admitted the allegations brought against the Contreras were false and untrue. Goodson was the first reporter to also break the story of the dismissal of the lawsuits and a retraction made.
Since then, the Contreras have targeted Goodson because he hasn't apologized for reporting about the lawsuits, according to Contreras' statement made in the Nfoque Latino program. In contrary, Goodson said, "I did give the Contreras every opportunity to make comments about the lawsuits and allegations made against them, but they decided not to comment." 
The Contreras in fact, paid for two full page ads that included false statements against Goodson that were printed in both El Conquistador newspaper and El Mañanero newspaper in November 2012. Both Victor Huyke, publisher of El Conquistador and Jose Hernández, owner of El Mañanero failed to confirm whether Contreras statements about Goodson were true.
Goodson has requested a retraction from both local papers, but to date have failed to do so. Contreras has also failed to retract his published statements in both papers as well.

Please note:

Goodson says that he is opening up the opportunity for blog viewers to donate and contribute to take legal action. Viewers can contribute by using the secure PayPal and credit card donation section on the upper right of the blog.
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Friday, May 10, 2013

El Conquistador Newspaper Van Rams Into Truck While Tailgating


Publisher of El Conquistador says his van broke down, but the victim at the scene says, the van rear-ended his truck.

By H. Nelson Goodson
May 10, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Friday, El Conquistador newspaper van was towed away after the driver hit a red truck from behind. The accident happened around 4:00 p.m. at the 2400 block of S. 13th St.
When Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) asked Victor Huyke, publisher of the Conquistador what had happened? Huyke said, "the van broke down and was being towed." But, the 34-year-old driver of the red truck said, that "the El Conquistador van crashed into him from behind."
Yuzzef Moralez, who was with Huyke at the scene contacted HNNUSA later and stated, "...making up lies, I was there." Moralez didn't provide any information to explain what had actually occurred. Huyke called in and said, "Take those lies down or my attorney will mail you." When asked, "What lies?" Huyke just hung up the phone call.
Both El Conquistador van and the red truck were towed, but no one at the scene reported any injuries. Police responded to the rear-end crash.
Huyke also indicated that the van was empty. But local businesses in the area confirmed, that the Friday delivery of the paper was running late in the South side.

El Conquistador newspaper van rear-ended red truck on Friday afternoon. Both the van and truck were towed.

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