Friday, November 29, 2013

Jenni Rivera's Senior Pilot Didn't Die In Crash, He's Alive!

Jere Cobb was mistakenly identified as Miguel Pérez Soto

Jenni Rivera's senior pilot who was also reported deceased in last December's deadly plane crash along with Jenni Rivera and members of her staff is alive, according to Telemundo's Al Rojo Vivo.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 30, 2013

Florida - On Thursday, Telemundo's Al Rojo Vivo began running a promotional ad announcing that Jere Cobb, 79, who was identified as Miguel Pérez Soto, Jenni Rivera's senior pilot who was reported deceased last December 9, along with Rivera and four of her staff members is alive. Soto actually died in the crash, but media and Mexican authorities believed it was Cobbs.
Cobb never boarded the plane. Al Rojo Vivo will air an exclusive interview on Monday with Cobb. Cobb was believed to have flown Rivera's plane before it lost control and crashed into a mountain region in Mexico.
Soto's DNA was matched to family members and his belongings were identified by his family. Mexican authorities claimed he had also died in the crash. With Cobb's coming out in public after nearly a year of the crash is drawing questions about Rivera's reported death.
Some fans have even raised speculation that Jenni Rivera is alive and hiding in Monterey. Did Rivera faked her death to escape death threats from a drug cartel, as previously alleged? Other fans posted on the Al Rojo Vivo Facebook account that Rivera will finally come out of hiding and make her public appearance as news continues to focus on Cobb's deceit that led for everyone to believe he was actually dead.
How has Cobb managed to stay under the radar and continued to live without his family's knowledge for nearly a year?
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Wood Criticized MPAA For Cutting Oral Sex Scene From The Charlie Countryman Film

Evan Rachel Wood

Oral sex scene cut from "Charlie Countryman" film by MPAA.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 29, 2013

Hollywood, CA - On Wednesday, Evan Rachel Wood, who stars in the upcoming new film "Charlie Countryman" posted on Twitter, her disappointment that a scene from the movie to be release later this month was censored. The scene shows Wood getting oral sex from co-star Shia LaBeouf, which the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) decided that the intimacy sex scene of a woman enjoy sex was to explicit for moviegoers, according to Wood. MPAA is a movie rating organization made of parents who decide, if certain scenes of a newly to be release film are censored. The organization looks at violence, sex scenes, language and drug use and then gives a rating they believe a majority of parents would give it.
The MPAA has been known to allow compatible scenes depicting sexual scenes, violence and beheadings on other films when rating movies.
Wood on November posted on her Twitter account, that "After seeing the new cut of#CharlieCountryman I would like 2 share my disappointment with the MPAA, who thought it was necessary to...censor a womans sexuality once again. The scene where the two main characters make "love" was altered because someone felt that seeing...a man give a woman oral sex made people "uncomfortable" but the scenes in which people are murdered by having their heads blown off...remained intact and unaltered. This is a symptom of a society that wants to shame women and put them down for enjoying sex, especially...when (gasp) the man isn't getting off as well! Its hard for me to believe that had the roles been reversed it still would have been cut...OR had the female character been raped it would have been cut. Its time for people to GROW UP. Accept that women are sexual beings...Accept that some men like pleasuring women. Accept that women don't have to just be fucked and say thank you...We are allowed and entitled to enjoy ourselves. Its time we put our foot down," Wood twitted.
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Miami Gardens Police Ordered To Target Black Males In Stop And Frisk Internal Policy

Earl Tyree Sampson

A Florida police department investigated by media outlets for blatant civil rights violations of black males.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 29, 2013

Miami Gardens, Florida - MiamiCBS 4 News reported, an unidentified police officer in Miami Gardens has alleged that "city and police department leaders instructed officers to profile base on race...focus to black males between the ages 15-30." The officer said, it amounts to civil rights violations.
The latest information released by the officer comes days after Earl Tyree Sampson, 28, a convenience store clerk accused officers from the Miami Gardens Police Department of racial profiling and illegally stopping him and citing him 62 times. Most of the citations were for repeated trespassing at his place of employment, the 207 Quickstop. Sampson has been stopped and questioned 258 times within four years, has been searched 100 times and arrested and jailed 56 times on false criminal allegations.
In one video, Sampson goes out to discard garbage and returns inside. An officers follows Sampson inside the convenience store and arrested Sampson on a false charged. In an other store video, an officer goes inside to use the bathroom, but begins to snoop around in the back of the store without permission or a search warrant. 
All, but one of the cases have been dismissed. He was arrested once for drug possession and was convicted for a minor marijuana charged. 
Police officers have been caught on video surveillance camera at the convenience store stopping Sampson and searching him and even arresting him for bogus allegations. Its store owner, Alex Saleh, 36, installed 15 cameras after he got tired of officers coming into the store to harass Sampson and other customers who are black.
The video surveillance footage of officers harassing Sampson had been shown on national news outlets.
Saleh and Sampson in a joint federal lawsuit filing are suing Miami Gardens Police Chief Matthew Boyd, other officers including former officers, Mayor Oliver Gilbert and the city of Miami Gardens for engaging in racial profiling, harassment, illegal stops and searches.

Earl Tyree Sampson's multiple arrest record at following link (PDF):
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Thursday, November 28, 2013

SAPD Officer Neal Charged For Sexual Assault Of A 19-year-old Woman During A Stop


Jackie Len Neal

Officer Neal placed on administrative leave with pay after being charged with sexual assault.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 28, 2013

San Antonio,  Texas - On Saturday, 11-year veteran San Antonio Police Officer Jackie Len Neal, 40, was charged with one felony count for sexual assault of a 19-year-old woman on early Friday. The criminal complaint affidavit states, that Officer Neal stopped the woman for allegedly driving a stolen vehicle. He made her exit the vehicle and handcuffed her. He then proceeded to search the woman, but she requested for a female officer to search her. Neal denied her request and grabbed her breasts over her shirt. He then place her in his squad car and forced the woman to have unconsensual sex with him.
Neal remained at the scene with the victim for 18-minutes, according to a GPS police review of the vehicle.
Afterwards, the woman called 911 and claimed she was assaulted by a woman. When an officer responded to the call, she told the officer that she had lied and that an officer wearing a badge with the name Neal had raped her during a traffic stop.
The San Antonio Police Department confirmed that the video surveillance camera in the squad car was not functioning at the time of the alleged sexual assault. 
When Neal was taken into custody on Saturday, he was looking for the victim, according to the complaint. A $20,000 bail bond was set for Neal and released. 
Neal has been placed on paid administrative leave until the outcome of the case.

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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mexican Nationals Attempted To Rush Into U.S. At Tijuana River Channel

More than 150 Mexican nationals who attempted to rush through the Mexico-U.S. border from Tijuana had an altercation with U.S. Border Patrol agents near the San Ysidro port of entry. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 27, 2013

San Ysidro, CA - On Sunday, more then 150 Mexican nationals began to throw rocks and bottles at U.S. Border Patrol agents when they illegally crossed into the U.S. through the Tijuana river channel. The altercation occurred near the San Ysidro port of entry. 
The border agents used pepper spray, tasers, rubber bullets and tear gas to turn back the crowd and didn't fatally shoot anyone throwing rocks at them and attempting to cross over to the U.S.
Several agents were reported hit in the arms and legs with rocks. Another agent was hit in the head with a full water bottle.
Three Mexican nationals were seriously injured when they were tased, dozens were treated for tear gas contamination and several others suffered injuries from rubber bullets. Between 200 to 300 Mexican nationals attempted to rush through the border into the U.S. Two men involved in the melee were arrested by Tijuana municipal police, but were later set free by a judge before any charges were actually filed, the Milenio dot com reported.
The crowd dispersed afterwards and no one was taken into custody, according to Mary Beth Caston, spokesperson for the U.S. Border Patrol.
Mexican authorities were notified of the altercation, but they didn't intervene.
Some agents believed the altercation and an attempt to rush across the border was organized. No confirmation has been made, if anyone organized the border melee on Sunday at noon.
Univision reported that some of those involved on Sunday's incident say, that they were asked to participate and they were told that they would be able to cross into the U.S. But at the incident, they learned that they were being used to make a movie and people were filming them. They saw al least a three camera crew and a man in a blue shirt was giving orders to the crowd.
If in fact, the people were used to make a film and not told about the intend, they were placed in danger when the U.S. Border Patrol responded to the area and engaged in repelling those intending to illegally cross into to U.S.
The U.S. Border Patrol said, that next time agents would consider of using deadly force upon the Mexican nationals in order to protect their lives. 

Release of video about border incident.

Flyers were distributed in Tijuana by Border Rush organizers that Mexican nationals were going to cross over into the U.S. border. At least a three camera news crew members from Milenio dot com captured the failed massive rush attempt into the U.S.
A U.S. Border Patrol helicopter launched tear gas canisters into the crowd, including three children, while border agents used pepper spray, rubber bullets and tasers to repel a massive group of 200 to 300 of Mexican nationals attempting to illegally cross into the U.S. last Sunday.
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Reported Missing Wisconsin Woman LaFave Back In Court For Drug Charge


Cassandra Eliane LaFave

25-year-old woman reported missing last week appeared in a Milwaukee County court to face a continuing case for misdemeanor cocaine  possession charge.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 27, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Wednesday, Cassandra Eliane LaFave, 25, of Crafton who was reported missing last week by her family and had the West Allis Police Department issue an endangered person with foul play missing person alert appeared in a Milwaukee County court on a drug charge. A Milwaukee County bench warrant was issued on September 5, for LaFave after she failed to appear in court for a misdemeanor charge for possession of cocaine. She forfeited a $250.00 cash bond. LaFave's warrant was canceled and a new $500.00 cash bond was set. She is scheduled for a conference hearing on December 11.
LaFave also has a open warrant, since September 11, in Washington County for three misdemeanor counts for retail theft of $500 each and one misdemeanor count for resisting or obstructing an officer. She forfeited a $500 signature bond.
West Allis Police were investigating her disappearance, since last week Monday. She was last seen on N. 60 St. and N. Hampton at a gas station on November 18. Family members reported her missing on November 20, according to police.
Her family believed that LaFave was abducted and could have been taken to St. Louis or Kansas and sold for sex in human trafficking. Family reported that she had a drug addiction.
Police had reported that LaFave was endangered and foul play was considered in her disappearance. 

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

El Ponchis, Juvenile SPC Cartel Killer Released From Mexican Detention Facility


Edgar N. Jiménez Lugo

Lugo to be extradited to Texas and the U.S. has no pending cases against the convicted teen killer who was set free just seven days short of his three year sentence for four brutal homicides.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 27, 2013

Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico - On Tuesday, Edgar N. Jiménez Lugo, 17, aka, "El Ponchis" was released and taken to Mexico City to be extradited to the U.S., according to Jorge Messeguer Guillen, the Secretary of Morelos Governance. Lugo was released just seven days short of his three year sentence for four homicides. Another 300 homicides were associated to Lugo, but was never convicted for those homicides. He was just 14 years of age when he was taken into custody and was convicted as a juvenile. 
Lugo confessed to killing at least four victims by beating, cutting their throats ending in decapitations, while he was on drugs. He admitted to being a member of the South Pacific Cartel (SPC) since he was 11-years-old.
Under Mexican law, a juvenile can only be sentenced up to three years to a juvenile detention center regardless of the multiple homicides.
Lugo was recruited by the Beltran Leyva Cartel, which was associated with the SPC. He was taken into custody on December 2, 2010 at the Cuernavaca Airport as he and one of his sisters tried to flee from Morelos after authorities had placed a dragnet for his arrest. Mexican military arrested Lugo and discovered a weapon and drugs in his baggage at the airport. They also found several cellphones with pictures of his victims and Lugo posing with the victims as he eventually tortured, killed and dismembered their bodies.
Several of his sisters were also involved in disposing of the victims bodies.
Lugo and one of his sisters, Elizabeth were attempting to board a plane to San Diego where his mother was living at the time. Lugo's mother was deported once and later reentered the U.S. He was born in San Diego, but was raised by his grandmother in Mexico.
Lugo became infamous after he posted multiple videos of his homicides on the Internet. In 2010, Lugo gain notoriety for being such a young child involved in drugs, drug cartel homicides and headed a group of young thugs who worked for the Beltran Leyva's.
Lugo and his sisters resided in Tejalpa, within the municipality of Jiutepec. He worked under Jusús Radilla Hernández or Julio Jesús Padilla Hernández, aka, "El Negro," leader of the SPC who was sought by the Mexican government. One of Lugo's sister had a child from El Negro.
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Two Women Found Hanging From Fresnillo Bridge In Zacatecas


Photo courtesy of Página 24

Zacatecas authorities removed several women that were apparently tortured, raped and then hanged from a bridge with a narco sign hung next to them.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 26, 2013

Fresnillo, Zacatecas, Mexico - On Monday, Fresnillo authorities were called around 6:45 a.m. about several female bodies that were discovered hanging from a bridge along side a narco sign, according to the Zacatecas Attorney General Arturo Nahle García. Ministry agents from Fresnillo responded to the call and removed the bodies after forensic investigators gathered evidence of the crime. 
The narco message in the signed was targeted at the Zetas in the area from the Gulf Cartel. 
The two women have not been identified, but a preliminary investigation indicated the victims were tortured, raped and then hanged from the bridge. Authorities have not confirmed, if the women were killed first or were hung alive.
No one has been arrested in the brutal murders.
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LaFave Believed To Be Abducted From Wisconsin

Cassandra E. LaFave

West Police Department is investigating the disappearance of  25-year-old woman and she might be endangered by foul play.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 26, 2013

West Allis, WI - Police from West Allis are investigating the disappearance of Cassandra E. LaFave, 25, who hasn't been seen since November 18. She was last seen on N. 60 St. and N. Hampton at a gas station. Family members reported her missing on November 20, according to police.
Her family believes that LaFave has been abducted and could have been taken to St. Louis or Kansas. She might have been sold for sex in human trafficing.
Police are saying that LaFave is endangered and foul play is now considered in her disappearance. No further details have been released. 
If you have any information leading to the whereabouts of LaFave contact the West Allis Police Department 414-302-8000.
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Monday, November 25, 2013

Obama Says He Doesn't Have The Power To Stop Deportations

President Obama

Ju Hong of Berkeley, CA

Between 5 to 6 million of udocumented immigrants expected to be deported within the next six years, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement ongoing statistical data.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 25, 2013

San Francisco, CA - On Monday, President Obama in his address to a group said, that he doesn't have the power to stop deportations. But Obama has the power to implement deferred action for all undocumented immigrants facing deportation proceedings. 
His response comes after several people on stage and audience began to yell loudly for Obama to use his power to stop deportations. “You have the power to stop deportation for all of them (11.5M undocumented immigrants),” Ju Hong, 24, an undocumented South Korean graduated from San Francisco State standing directly behind where Obama was standing, shouted near the end of the president’s immigration speech at the Betty Ong Chinese Reacreational Center, who then began to lead chants of “Stop deportation now!”
“Actually, no, I don’t,... and that’s why we are here,” Obama responded (video).
He doesn't want to use his executive power, but to engage in the legal process to change immigration reform, citing that a majority of people in the U.S. favors a change of the system.
In fact, Obama using his executive power implemented a deferred action policy for DREAMers, but he can't implement deferred action for undocumented immigrants facing deportation proceedings. 
Obama says, he will march and stand for immigration reform, but when in fact he had control of both Houses, the Democrats didn't address the issue for six months losing the window of opportunity for any immigration reform.
President Obama also has the executive privilege to pardon all those undocumented immigrants that were deported and all those that broke the law by illegally crossing into the U.S. But Obama doesn't want to use his executive pardon solution for the immigration deportation of millions. 
U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) supports immigration reform, but would like to address it step-by-step and not in a rush job like immigration rights activists would like him to address it. Despite, a fasting movement at the Washington, D.C. Mall, numerous disobedience actions resulting in the arrests of immigration activists, elected officials, clergy and others around the nation, people chaining themselves to ICE fences, children being used to confront members of the GOP at Capitol Hill and other attempts to push for a vote by the House seems to have reached a dead end alley. 
The House is expected to end its 113th first session in just days away, thus killing the U.S. Senate Immigration Reform bill that was passed during the Summer and any chances that a bill will pass in 2013.
Immigration rights organizations and other pro-immigration reform groups have finally realized that their efforts have failed so far to influence immigration reform for 2013.
They also have failed to acknowledge the power to implement a national economic shut down to influence immigration reform. U.S. Hispanics, undocumented immigrants and supporters need to engage in a national economic shutdown by managing their $2 trillion spending and buying economic power. Latinos must begin to tighten their free style spending habit and just buy in places that support immigration reform and can confirm that they have contacted their federal representatives requesting that they support immigration reform with a pathway to citizenship for more than 11 million of undocumented immigrants in the U.S. today.
Recently, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced that they have implemented an upgraded E-Verify employment program to detect fraudulent and stolen Social Security numbers (SSN's). The SSN's found to be not valid or stolen will be blocked from being used. Millions of undocumented immigrants are expected to lose their current jobs in the country when employers discover that those SSN's being used are not valid.
With the U.S. House failure to approve an immigration reform bill for 2013, the issue of ever passing such a bill is unpredictable, since it is not known who will control both Houses and the White House in the next four to six years.
An estimated 5 to 6 million of undocumented immigrants are expected to be deported within the next six years.

Ju Hong's undocumented story on video
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Friday, November 22, 2013

Local Reynosa Wrestler Laughs At VxT Facebook Alleging He Works For The Gulf Cartel

Fabian Reyes

Reyes adds comment after the administrator of Valor de Tamaulipas posted a photo of him with a mask holding a weapon and accused him of working for the Cartel del Golfo (Gulf Cartel).

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 22, 2013

Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico - It's not the first time that the Facebook (FB) administrator of Valor de Tamaulipas (VxT) posted an alleged accusation of someone working or associated with a local cartel, which later ends up dead for mistaken identity attributed to a false allegation. VxT has gotten innocent people killed for making such allegations. The VxT was created to alert people around Reynosa and other municipalities about the criminal activity in the region, which many local maintstream media and reporters fail to report due to life threats and reprisals from criminal groups.
In this case, VxT on Friday posted a photo of a masked man holding a weapon with a tattoo in his right upper arm and only identified the man as a local wrestler that works for Commandant Tachas from the Gulf Cartel. The wrestler allegedly works as an enforcer, quota collector and who enages in extortion for the cartel, according to the VxT posting. VxT also wrote, that the Gulf Cartel sponsors wrestling matches and events.
He doesn't identify the masked man by name, but in a surprising twist, the masked man takes advantage of the free publicity and responded to VxT's post and laughs about it.
The masked man is Fabian Reyes from Houston, Texas, a local Reynosa wrestler. He laughs at the VxT FB posting and mocks the administrator for falsely accusing him of working for a local cartel. Reyes wrote, "jajajajajjajaajaaaa con el trajeeeee de hollowen jajajjaajja lo que asee la rasa pa quemar a unoo ta bien me dan publisisdaddd grtisssss haaa por cierto hoi peleoo en el gym de la uatt vallan a apoyarmeee". In English, "Laughing - wearing a Halloween costume - what our people do to burn (to falsely single out) someone and he also gives me free publicity - laughing - but true, today I'm wrestling at the UATT gym, come and support me," Reyes wrote.
Only time will tell, if Reyes survives the VxT deadly allegation that he works for the Gulf Cartel. It is also the first time that someone accused by VxT of working for a criminal organization openly posts a comment in VxT and challenges the VxT administrator for falsely accusing him of a criminal activity.
Will local authorities get involved in this unique and exclusive saga or will Reyes suddenly vanish without a trace? 
One thing for sure today, Reyes is laughing at VxT for the free publicity about his wrestling career.

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

Advance Cast Stone Found Negligent And Must Pay $38.9M For Jared Kellner's 13.5T Concrete Slab Crushing Death

Jared Kellner

A Milwaukee County jury decided that Advance Cast Stone must pay $38.5M for its negligence and blame for a 13.5 ton concrete slab that broke off from a side of the O'Donnell parking structure killing Jared Kellner.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 21, 2013

Milw., WI - On Thursday,  a Milwaukee County jury awarded $6.8M to the Jared Kellner estate for the tragic death in June 2010. Dawn Kellner, Jared's mother was awarded $500,000 for pain and suffering. An additional $15M was awarded to the plaintiffs for punitive damages.
Jared Kellner, 15, of Greenfield was walking out of the O'Donnell parking structure with a friend, Eric Wosinski, 15, and his friend's mother, Amy Wosinski, 36, who were all heading to Summerfest when a concrete slab broke off the side of the structure and fell on top of Kellner killing him. 
Wosinski, now 18, who suffered a foot injury and his mother Amy, now 39, who lost a leg in the incident were awarded over $11.4M in the civil lawsuit case.
In 2010, a 30-foot concrete sheet of slab at the East exit from O'Donnell Park parking structure collapse and killed Kellner who was crushed and injured, Amy Wosinski, 36, and Eric Wosinski, 15, her son of East Troy. 
A concrete sheet of slab made by ACS weighing 27,000 pounds (13.5 tons) fell when its bolts or rods holding it in place to the side of the second story level snapped due to rust.
Milwaukee County will also received $6M for loss revenue from Advance Cast Stone (ACS) of Random Lake, but the jury found that the County was 2% at fault in Kellner's death. 
After a day and a half of deliberations, the jury found ACS was negligent for the faulty 13.5 ton panel structure, which was being held with some steel rods from the panel to the structure's side and the rods had rusted out, including some rods that were missing to hold the extremely heavy panel in place. ACS was found 88% at fault and responsible for Jared's death.
Another contractor, J.H. Findorff and Sons was blamed for 10% of the responsibility for Jared's death.
ACS and Milwaukee County never explained why it was decided to attached numerous 13.5 ton concrete slab panels around two levels of the parking structure and did not consider lighter panels.
In total, ACS will have to pay out at least $38.9M in the lawsuit decision, according to CBS 58 News. ACS Attorney Matthew McClean told CBS 58 News, that they plan to appeal. But "Certainly we are disappointed with the result and don't agree with it," McClean added.

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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Former Miss Universe 1996 Posted Photo Showing Butt Contour


Alicia Machado

Machado posted photo on Twitter showing her butt and wants to firm up before her upcoming birthday.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 20, 2013

Mexico - On Wednesday,  Alicia Machado, former Miss Universe 1996 posted on Twitter a photo of her backside showing her butt in a bikini for her admirers. Machado wrote that she is exercising vigorously to firm up her physic before her 37th Birthday on December 6.
The buttocks photo has gone viral on the Internet.
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Texas Law Prohibits Undocumented Immigrants From Buying And Registering Vehicles


Thousands of Texas undocumented immigrants can't buy and register vehicles without proper identification and state licenses.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 20, 2013

Austin, Texas - Since the law passed in September, hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants in Texas have been prohibited from buying and registering any type of vehicle from dealerships without a proper valid identification, passport and state license. The Texas Department of Moter Vehicle posted, "As of 9/1/2013, when a buyer purchases a vehicle in Texas, they must show the proper photo identification to obtain a title and registration."
If vehicles are bought from private citizens, undocumented immigrants won't be able to register their vehicles with the state of Texas.
Dealers who are caught selling vehicles to undocumented immigrants can be fined from $1,000 up to $10,000 for each vehicle sold. The Texas law keeps undocumented immigrants from purchasing vehicles, thus cutting into their economic influx of generating revenue. 
Immigrants are now facing another hardship of trying to get to work, especially when their jobs are located in another location where public transportation doesn't provide service.
Vehicles can only be purchase for exporting to Mexico and other Central and South American countries. But buyers must provide  official government seal stamp documents as proof of exporting vehicles. 
Now with Monday's upgraded of the E-Verify program that will block the usage of false and fraudulent use of Social Security numbers by undocumented immigrants and the new Texas law prohibiting immigrants from purchasing vehicles for work and personal use will force many to look for other options to compensate for transportation and continue to work in the shadows without paying taxes.
There are only six days left before the U.S. House ends its 113th first session without bringing an immigration reform bill to the floor for a vote. Without an immigration reform bill passage for 2013, the issue for immigration reform will most likely be dead for the next six years, depending who will control both Houses and the White House.

Texas law:

As of 9/1/2013 the ID requirements for Titling and Registering Vehicles changed. The ID must:

● Be current (not to exceed 12 months past expiration.)

● Contain a photo.

● Have a unique ID number.

● Have an expiration date.

The ID must be one of the following:

● A driver's license or state identification certificate issued by a state or territory of the United States.United States or foreign passport.

● U.S. military identification card.

● U.S. Department of Homeland Security identification document.

● U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services identification document.

● U.S. Department of State identification document.

● North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) identification.

● Identification issued under a Status of Forces Agreement.
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Baker Buck Kill Breaks Wisconsin Archery Record With 28 Point Trophy


Bowhunter Jim Baker posing with 28-point buck killed in September. 

Photo courtesy of Whale-Tales Archery

The Baker buck was officially certified with highest score breaking the Wayne Schumacher's 2009 Record by about 6 inches.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 20, 2013

Richfield, WI - On Sunday, a new record was officially set after 60 days of waiting to determine, if the Jim Baker 28-point buck archery kill would surpass the Wayne Schumacher's 2009 Record of 244 6/8 inches, the Whale-Tales Archery reported. The Waukesha County Baker Buck beat the Fond du Lac County Schumacher's record by six inches.
Baker killed the buck in September 18, 2013 and had to wait at least sixty days until the 28-point trophy rack dried to get an official measurement. It was declared a non-typical archery recored by the Wisconsin Buck and Bear Club on Sunday.
A group of six, including three Boone & Crockett scorers and one Pope & Young scorer, panel scored Jim Baker's buck at 249 5/8 inches net on Sunday breaking Schumacher's record, according to Whale-Tales Archery.

Here are some of the measurements recorded:

- 28 measurable points
- 19 7/8 inch inside spread
- 66 6/8 inches of abnormal points
- 260 5/8 inch gross score
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Facebook Photo Of Chihuahua In Freezer Bag Leads To Felony Charges


Mary Snell and Britton James Engel

A Facebook users saw photo of tiny dog in freezer bag and contacted the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 20, 2013

Albuquerque, New Mexico - On Saturday, a Facebook user saw a photo of a small Chihuahua in a Ziploc freezer bag posted in the social network. The Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office was contacted and on Sunday they located two people responsible for posting the picture on Facebook. 
Sergeant Aaron Williamson from the sheriff's department told HRQE-TV News that both Mary Snell, 41, and her son Britton James Engel, 21, were taken into custody and booked each with one count of felony animal cruelty.
Snell admitted she wanted to show, a friend, how small the dog named "Baby" was, but the dog wouldn't stand still for a photo. They decided to put him in an open freezer bag. Then Engel took the photo and posted it in his Facebook account.
Sgt. Williamson said, the dog's head was in the lower corner of the plastic bag and couldn't breath. The dog is fine, but no information was provided, if authorities will take the dog away.
Snell's neighbors say, that the mother and son have other pets and seemed to treat them well when they're outside of their apartment.
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Mexican Flag With Marijuana Leaf Flown Over McLaren Merchandise Stand


Mexican government and U.S. Grand Prix fans objected to altered Mexican flag flown over the McLaren merchandise stand.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 20, 2013

Austin, Texas - Over the weekend, the McLaren representatives had to immediately remove several altered Mexican flags that exhibited a marijuana leaf at the Formula 1 U.S. Grand Prix in Austin. The Mexican government and U.S. Grand Prix fans complained about the placement of the flags at a McLaren merchandise stand.
Once representatives got word of the offending and disrespectful flags, they ordered for the flags to be remove and then apologized. The altered Mexican flags were placed at the merchandise stand selling McLaren products by a third party subcontractor who was running the McLaren stand. 
A large crowd of Mexican nationals who were at the race track to support McLaren race car driver Sergio Perez noticed the offending flags and complained. Also the McLaren race team got upset and had the flags removed immediately. 
After the race, Perez was unexpectedly dropped from the McLaren race team for 2014. Perez said, he was surprised that McLaren had decided to dropped him.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Rodriguez (R), Projected Winner In The 21st Assembly District In Wisconsin

Yesenia Eldermira Rodriguez, aka, "Jessie" and Elizabeth Coppola

Jessie Rodriguez became the first Republican Hispanic woman to be elected to the Wisconsin State Assembly.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 19, 2013

Franklin, WI - On Tuesday, Yesenia Eldermira Rodriguez (R), 36, aka,  "Jessie" defeated Elizabeth Coppola (D), 29, making her the first Latina in the GOP to get elected in Wisconsin. Rodriguez received 4,546 votes and Coppola got 3,520 votes, according to the State Election Commission.
Rodriguez who is originally from El Salvador used the alias "Jessie" to run for office. She works as an outreach coordinator for Hispanics for School Choice, a non-profit organization.
Coppola is an Alverno College graduate and worked as a fundraiser for United Way and was a member of Milwaukee's Social Development Commission. 
Rodriguez will replace retiring Republican Mark Honadel, who served for 10 years in the 21st Assembly District.

Yesenia Eldermira "Jessie" Rodriguez gave a victory speech to those attending her campaign celebration party. Rodriguez (R) posted on her "Jessie for Assembly" facebook page, "A heartfelt thanks to all my family, friends, supporters, donors and volunteers. Without you this would not have been possible. I look forward to representing the people of the 21st District!"
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59-year-old Milwaukee Woman Killed While Sleeping In Bed


Gloria E. Zuniga

Zuniga became the 93rd homicide victim this year and her murder is being investigated as a gang related shooting. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 19, 2013

Milw., WI - On Monday, Gloria E. Zuniga, 59, was killed in her residence at the 1600 block of S. 26th Street near W. Mitchell St. after her home was shot multiple times. Police say, the home had at least 26 gunshot holes where her bedroom was located.
She died around 8:45 p.m. in bed while sleeping of multiple gunshot wounds, according to the preliminary investigation. Two other unidentified adults were inside the home, but none of them were reported injured.
Police are investigating Zuniga's homicide as possibly a gang related shooting. No one has been arrested in the shooting.
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Illegal Alien Hunt On UT-Austin Campus Cancelled By Republican Conservative Student Group


Lorenzo V. Garcia

Republican conservative student group at the University of Texas-Austin campus cancelled its illegal alien hunt on campus after it sparks controversy and protests.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 19, 2013

Austin, Texas - On Tuesday, Lorenzo V. Garcia, President of the Young Conservatives of Texas-University of Texas-Austin (YCTUTA) student group announced that they have cancelled their Wednesday's three hour "Catch An Illegal Immigrant" hunt on campus. Garcia cited that the group feared retaliation from the university administration and a safety concern for those student volunteers who wanted to participate. At least 40 students had volunteered to participate in Wednesday's event, according to Garcia.
Garcia's group had posted on their Facebook page that several Latino students would be walking around on campus with signs on saying "Illegal Immigrant" and any student who takes one of them to the YCT table at the West Mall would get a $25 gift certificate.
Some opponents of the YCT event alleged Garcia and his student conservative group were engaging in bigotry and promoting hatred on campus. Garcia on the contrary was trying to bring focus and discussions among the student campus population on today's broken immigration system, but the YCT event was created in poor taste and disregarded the backlash it would create.
Even conservative Republicans, state elected officials, university administrators and other student campus groups criticized the YCT's poor judgement to engage in type of event.
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Bail Set For Zimmerman, Must Not Possess Weapons And Keep Away From Scheibe


George Zimmerman

A judge set a $9,000 bail for Zimmerman who was charged with domestic aggravated assault, battery and criminal mischief. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 19, 2013

Apopka, FL - On Tuesday, a Florida judge set a $9,000 bail for George Zimmerman, 30, who was arrested and charged on Monday with domestic aggravated assault, domestic battery and criminal mischief in Seminole County. The Seminole County judge also ordered Zimmerman not to have contact with his girlfriend Samantha Scheibe who call authorities and accused him of domestic abuse. He was place on electronic monitoring and must not possess any weapons or ammunition. 
It was learned that last week, Zimmerman had attempted to choke Scheibe, but she failed to call police.
The Seminole County Sheriff's Office (SCSO) reported on Monday that at around 12:30 p.m., deputies responded to a 911 call about a disturbance in the 1300 block of Topfield Court in Apopka, at the home of George Zimmerman's girlfriend, Scheibe. Scheibe advised that she and George Zimmerman just had a verbal altercation that resulted in him breaking a glass table in the living room, retrieving a shotgun, and pointing it at her. Scheibe was able to get to the front of the house and call 911. As she approached the door, he ultimately pushed Scheibe out and locked the door behind her. He then barricaded the door with several pieces of small furniture.
Scheibe was not injured and no one else was at the home. When deputies arrived on scene they used her house key to enter and were able to push through the items behind the door. Zimmerman was not armed when deputies entered the home. He surrendered without further incident and was transported to the John E. Polk Correctional Facility (JEPCF) at approximately 1 p.m. He was charged with domestic battery, domestic aggravated assault and criminal mischief, according to the SCSO.  
Zimmerman was acquitted in July for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, 17.

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Stolen Or Fraudulent Use Of Social Security Numbers For Employment To Be Blocked By E-Verify

Millions of undocumented immigrants using false identities to lose jobs in U.S. through E-Verify system gov't claims.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 19, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Monday, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that the E-Verify program can now identify fraudulent use of Social Security numbers (SSNs). The E-Verify system will operate "by detecting and preventing potential fraudulent use of SSNs to gain work authorization. An employer, for example, may enter information into E-Verify that appears valid – such as a matching name, date of birth, and SSN – but was in fact stolen, borrowed or purchased from another individual. This new safeguard now enables USCIS to lock a SSN that appears to have been misused, protecting it from further potential misuse in E-Verify."
If an employee attempts to use a locked SSN, E-Verify will generate a "Tentative Nonconfirmation" (TNC). The employee receiving the TNC will have the opportunity to contest the finding at a local Social Security Administration (SSA) field office. If an SSA field officer confirms the employee's identity correctly matches the SSN, the TNC will be converted to "Employment Authorized" status in E-Verify. Employees who successfully confirm their identities are encouraged to call USCIS so they can learn more about available resources on identity theft and fraud prevention, according to the USCIS.
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Monday, November 18, 2013

Zimmerman Charged With Aggravated Assault And Battery


George Zimmerman

Seminole County deputies took Zimmerman into custody and later charged with domestic aggravated assault, battery and criminal mischief. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 19, 2013

Apopka, FL - On Monday, George Zimmerman, 30, was arrested and charged with domestic aggravated assault, domestic battery and criminal mischief in Seminole County. Zimmerman remains in custody and no bond has been set until his first court hearing appearance. 
The Seminole County Sheriff's Office (SCSO) reported that at around 12:30 p.m., deputies responded to a 911 call about a disturbance in the 1300 block of Topfield Court in Apopka, at the home of George Zimmerman's girlfriend. She advised that she and George Zimmerman just had a verbal altercation that resulted in him breaking a glass table in the living room, retrieving a shotgun, and pointing it at her. She was able to get to the front of the house and call 911. As she approached the door, he ultimately pushed her out and locked the door behind her. He then barricaded the door with several pieces of small furniture.
She was not injured and no one else was at the home. When deputies arrived on scene they used her house key to enter and were able to push through the items behind the door. Zimmerman was not armed when deputies entered the home. He surrendered without further incident and was transported to the John E. Polk Correctional Facility (JEPCF) at approximately 1 p.m. He was charged with domestic battery, domestic aggravated assault and criminal mischief. He will remain on no bond status pending first appearance, according to the SCSO.  
Zimmerman was acquitted in July for the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, 17.

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Zuckerberg's Launched Spanish And English TV Videos In Favor For 2013 Immigration Reform

Zuckerberg backup group FWD dot us has launched a TV video "We Wait" advertising campaign in Spanish and English to push for a U.S. House floor vote on an immigration reform bill.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 18, 2013

U.S.A. - On Monday, Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook and one of the leading members of FWD dot us announced that several TV videos have been launched as an attempt to push an immigration reform bill into the U.S. House of Representatives floor for a vote before the year expires. Only nines day are left before the House ends its 113th legislative session for 2013.
One video was released in Spanish and the other in English.
Recently, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) has made it clear that there will be no conference with the U.S. Senate on immigration reform for the remaining of the House session. Boehner's decision not to deal with immigration reform for the remaining of the House session makes FWD dot us ads meaningless, but a costly campaign that is destine to go down the drain as the clock ticks away to the last minute that would automatically expire the U.S. Senate's version of immigration reform that was past in June.
Most likely, the immigration reform issue will be a dead issue for the next six years, which would actually increase the deportation of undocumented immigrants by at least 5M to 6M in less than a decade.

FWD dot us video in Spanish at link:

FWD dot us video in English at link:
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Dickerson-Hendricks Charged For Resisting Arrested At Children's Hospital


Ashanti Dickerson-Hendricks

Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. says, there was a breakdown of law enforcement communications between the Milwaukee Police Department and his department, including the Wauwatosa Police Department and the Children's Hospital administration and security.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 18, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, Ashanti Dickerson-Anderson, 22, was charged with two felony counts for bail jumping, one count for felon possession of a firearm and one count for obstructing and resisting an officer. If convicted, Hendricks is facing up to 23 years in prison, according to court records.
Milwaukee County Sheriff David A. Clarke Jr. told Fox6Now, that he wants the incident at the hospital investigated. He strongly believed that a breakdown of communications occurred between the Milwaukee Police Department who first responded to take Hendricks into custody and his department, including others. Sheriff Clarke claims that his department has officers at the hospital and they weren't notified of an attempted arrest of Hendricks by Milwaukee police. Also left out of the law enforcement communications were the Wauwatosa Police Department and both the administrators and security at the hospital who weren't notified that Milwaukee police were trying to arrest Hendricks who was believed armed and was wanted on a felony warrant.
Clarke said, a call came in that there was an "active shooter" and not a call that "officers need backup, shots fired," which each call would have been handled differently. He wants answers, to why there was a breakdown of law enforcement communications at the Children's Hospital incident, according to Fox6Now.
Clarke confirmed, that in Milwaukee County alone there are 10,000  active warrants.
Last week, Hendricks was taken into custody after he grabbed a two month old infant inside the Newborn Progressive Care Unit on the 7th floor of the Children's Hospital in Wauwatosa. He was visiting and holding his baby when Milwaukee Police Officers Acosta and Thompson attempted to serve a warrant at the neo-natal premature care unit. Police say, they got a tip from a woman that Hendricks was at the hospital visiting his only child and that he was currently wanted and possibly armed. 
Just before noon Officer's Acosta and Thompson were dispatched to take him into custody. The baby's mother apparently believed Hendricks was going to kill his child. But, Hendricks father told reporters that the infant was his son's only child and wouldn't harm him.
The officers arrived at the hospital unit and Officer Acosta told Hendricks that he had a warrant and was under arrest. Hendricks was holding his baby and seemed to cooperate with police. He put down his child and then darted out of the unit.
Hendricks then pulled out a weapon when cornered in a nearby hallway. Hendricks pointed a .40 Cal. Glock at both Acosta and Thompson and failed to lower his weapon when ordered by the officers to do so. Milwaukee Police Officer Acosta fired several shots striking Hendricks in the arm and wrist. Hendricks eventually dropped the weapon.
Hendricks was taken to Froedtert Hospital for treatment and was placed in custody. He was wanted on a felony conviction warrant for possession of a weapon by a felon, eluding police and a drug charge, according to court records. Hendricks failed to show up for his sentencing several weeks ago and a warrant was issued.
Milwaukee police are being criticized about their attempt to take Hendricks into custody inside the Children's Hospital by Hendricks family members. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, that it "was not a situation where a guy came in to shoot somebody."
Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn defended the action taken by his officers who were serving a warrant at the newborn Children's Hospital unit. An investigation had been initiated to see, if Milwaukee police acted properly to arrest Hendricks at the Children's Hospital.
Officers from Wauwatosa Police Department and deputies from the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office also responded to the incident. The Children's Hospital was locked down for nearly several hours, according to police.
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Woman Carrying Child Upside Down Smashes Child's Head in Car Near Milwaukee County Court House

Photo courtesy by Cole White

Unidentified blonde woman carries child upside down while crossing street near the Milwaukee County Courthouse.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 18, 2013

Milwaukee, WI - On Monday, just after 10:00 a.m., a blonde woman was seen crossing the street near the Milwaukee County Courthouse carrying a child upside down while  crossing the street. Attorney Cole White who witnessed the incident managed to take the photo while the woman is walking to a black Kia vehicle. 
White posted on his Facebook (FB) account, that the woman smashed the child's "head into the car and slapped her."
Attorney White attempted to aid the child, but the woman got into the Kia vehicle with a male driver. They then sped away, but White was able to get a license plate number (263-UBT). 
When White was contacted by Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA), White said, that he was just walking into a police station to file a complaint.
Afterwards White stated on FB, "Yes, baby/toddler upside down. She shoved the little girls face into the side of the car, threw her into the car, started to hit the kid. That's when I started running toward them and she dove in and they sped off. I just got done at District 1. Who knows if anything will come of it, because the plate on the vehicle is unregistered/expired...stolen."
Authorities are reviewing surveillance video at the courthouse in an attempt to identify the woman.
No information is available about the child's welfare.
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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Hacker Attempting To Access Yahoo E-mail Accounts


Hacker targeting unsuspecting Yahoo e-mail users.

November 17, 2013

Just got e-mail informing, that Yahoo users are mandated to upgrade their e-mail login accounts, if the Yahoo e-mail user doesn't upgrade in 24 hours, e-mail could be blocked from sending and receiving e-mails. The intended hacker has a Yahoo imposed return header, but the actual sender shows
Keller wants to fool Yahoo e-mail users to provide their vital information by clicking on a link provided in order to take control of e-mail accounts.
Don't upgrade to hacker. Report to Yahoo, if you received similar e-mail.
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14-year-old Pennsylvania Boy Tased In The Face And Brutally Tortured By Tullytown Police


Joseph Williams

Mother claims her 14-year-old son was tased in the face, brutally tortured and his nose broken by two Tullytown Borough police officers.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 17, 2013

Levittown, Pennsylvania - On Friday, Marissa Sargeant posted on her Facebook (FB) account that her 14-year-old boy, Joseph Williams was taken into custody and "brutally tortured" by two Tullytown Borough police officers and had beaten him, including using a taser in his face and even broke his nose. Sargeant posted the assault on her on Facebook to get help from FB users. Sargeant was not even allow to see her son after the incident and claims he was taken to a hospital and she wasn't notified.
When she went to the Tullytown Borough Police Department, they informed her that they had bought him a pizza.
Why did they beat him? Sargeant wrote, "they say he resisted arrest that yall tazzed him in his face ...not only that they took him to lower bucks hospital with out his mother consent they broke his nose n both eyes were swollen shut...I did Go to the station they would not let me n at all they talked to me through the door I didn't see my son for tree days n the cops says o he's fine we ordered him pizza, really?" She explained that he was not armed.
Kiesha Bowles posted on Sargeant's FB, "They claim they hit him with the taser because he wouldn't stop running, but my question is why continue to beat on him once he's down? He's handcuffed..he can't hurt you...why break his nose? why black his eyes? This is a CHILD!"
On Sunday, Hispanic News Network U.S.A. (HNNUSA) attempted to contact Sargeant, but she hasn't responded. HNNUSA contacted the Tullytown Borough Police Department on Sunday, but the officer that answered the call said, that the Police Chief was not available until Monday. The officer declined to comment about the incident.
Also on Sunday, LevittownNow dot com posted and reported that "Bucks County District Attorney David Heckler said the actions of the borough police officer who fired a single taser barb toward the 14-year-old handcuffed boy as he ran toward busy Route 13 in an attempt to escape “seems appropriate.”" But Sargeant told LevittownNow that she will be filing a complaint on Monday against the Tullytown Police Department concerning her son's abuse while on handcuffs. She told LevittownNow that she knows what her son did was wrong, but he didn't deserve all that for retail theft, referring to his picture showing his injuries.
District Attorney Heckler says, it looks worse then what really happened, since swelling set in.
The police affidavit states that Williams and Jordan Gibson, 19, the boy's uncle are accused of shoplifting merchandise worth at least $31.93 from a Tullytown Walmart store around 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday. A third suspect was also arrested with Gibson and his nephew, but has not been identified.
Apparently, someone at the store saw Gibson remove a BB gun from a package and place it inside Sargeant's son's backpack.
When police arrived, both Williams a third individual and Gibson fled in a truck. Gibson was driving at high speeds around the town until they rear ended a vehicle and were stuck on route 13 near a construction area. The three retail theft suspects were arrested by police. Williams while handcuffed was placed in a police squad car. He managed to escape and ran from the scene. A Tullytown Borough police officer chased Williams and ordered him to stop or he would be tased. Williams ignored the officer's command and he was tased. One of the electrical prongs hit him in the shoulder and the other in the cheek. Williams lost his balance and hit the ground. Heckler says, that Williams must have look back while running when he was struck by the taser barbs, then fell and since he was handcuffed, Williams couldn't break the fall with his arms or hands.
Sargeant told LevittownNow that her son's rights were violated because police wouldn't allow her to see her son for three days. He was tased in the face and then punched several times, according to Sargeant. Her son was taken to a hospital for treatment and then released to police custody. Police took Sargeant's son to the Bucks County Juvenile Center in Doylestown township. He has been released.
The BB gun was not listed in the police affidavit, according to LevittownNow.
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Saturday, November 16, 2013

U.S. President John F. Kennedy's 50th Assassination Anniversary


November 16, 2013

Dallas, TX - On November 22, will mark the 50th Anniversary of the shooting death of deceased U.S. President John F. Kennedy (D). He was allegedly killed in Dallas, Texas on November, 22, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald and a second sniper from the CIA, according to historical documents on record. A coverup by the CIA and U.S. military never resulted in the identity of the CIA agent. Morgue autopsy photos released by the federal government.
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Friday, November 15, 2013

Karla Álvarez, Mexican Soap Series Actress Body Found At Apartment

Karla Álvarez

Álvarez who acted in numerous soap series or telenovelas was found dead.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 15, 2013

Mexico City, Mexico - On Friday, Televisa actress Karla Álvarez, 41, was reported to have died after she stopped breathing, according to news report from Televisa. Álvarez body was discovered earlier today in her apartment in Mexico City.
Álvarez will be cremated on Saturday around 4:00 p.m. at the Español cemetery after a private wake and rememberance of her life by family members and close friends, according her father Carlos Álvarez.
Álvarez was suffering from bulimia and anorexia, which triggered a cardiorespiratory arrest, according a preliminary death investigation. She also was suffering from depression and a eating disorder.
She began her acting career in 1992 in the telenovela María Mercedes. Álvarez appeared in the following soap operas or telenovelas that included Agujetas de color de rosa, La mentira, ¡Vivan los niños!, Inocente de ti, Heridas de amor and Las tontas no van al cielo.
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USDHS Won't Deport Family Of Active Service Members

Family members of active service members will temporarily no longer be deported.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 15, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Friday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security released a policy memorandum, which exempts family members of veterans and active members of the military or individuals who previously served in the U.S. Armed Services from deportation proceedings. 
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will now use the policy memorandum that outlined the new policy, which allows spouses, children, and parents of certain active duty, reserve, and former U.S. service members to be temporarily parole from deportation proceedings, according to the policy memorandum. 
The USCIS will handle immigrant petitions in a case by case basis, to "Parole" for "urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit." Discretionary parole will not erase prior illegal entry to the U.S., felony convictions and serious crimes. Individuals and U.S. Veterans with criminal convictions will not be eligible for parole status, according to the memorandum. 
DHS will continue to deport U.S. Veterans for felony convictions or misdemeanors with sentences up to a year and for adverse factors.
Discretionary parole or waiver from being removed from the U.S. will be granted on a year by year basis.

USCIS policy memorandum (PDF) at link:
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UFW Claims Aztec Eagle Logo Copyright Infringement By NY Fashion Designer Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren t-shirt Thunderbird Tee Style logo and United Farm Workers Logo, the Lauren design has longer legs than the UFW logo design.

The UFW wants the Ralph Lauren corporate to stop exploiting its logo for commercial purposes.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 15, 2013

Keene, CA - On Friday, the United Farm Workers (UFW) organization announced that the New York fashion clothing designer Ralph Lauren has been exploiting its logo for several months and is a copyright infringement. The UFW wants the Ralph Lauren corporation to pull all the t-shirts depicting the UFW registered trademark black eagle logo from its shelves.
The UFW had received information by people who noticed a Ralph Lauren t-shirt with a similar UFW registered trademark black eagle logo being sold at Urban Outfitters stores for $65 each in California and attorney's representing the UFW contacted the store of its logo copyright infringement. Since then, the UFW has been in good faith discussions with Urban Outfitters for reparations and future insurance against such violations, the UFW says.
UFW attorneys had written twice to the estimated $6.5B clothing Ralph Lauren corporation in New York that they were using the UFW trademark logo without permission. In response, Ralph Lauren is claiming their Thunderbird Tee Style logo is not similar to the UFW logo and "that people would not make the connection between the eagle on the t-shirt and the UFW logo."
UFW stated that Cesar Chavez' brother Richard designed the UFW Black Eagle so that union members could easily draw it on handmade red flags. Cesar said, "A symbol is an important thing. That is why we chose an Aztec eagle. It gives pride...When people see it they know it means dignity."  
Ralph Lauren's expropriation of the UFW's Black Eagle dishonors the trademark and those who have fought and died for the integrity it represents. It falsely implies the UFW may have endorsed Ralph Lauren clothing, damaging the UFW's extensive goodwill, according to the UFW.
The UFW expects to take legal action against Ralph Lauren, if the clothing corporation doesn't comply and remove all their merchandise depicting the UFW black Aztec eagle from shelves. The UFW has also started a campaign for people to contact Ralph Lauren and demand for them to pull all of their infringing products from their shelves. 

To participate in the campaign, go to the UFW website link:
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Macedo Crowned Miss BumBum Brazil 2013 For Her Oversized Butt


Photos courtesy of Barcroft Media and Splash

Macedo's oversize bottom (butt) was the judges choice to represent Miss BumBum for 2013.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 15, 2013

Såo Paulo, Sáo Paulo, Brazil - On Friday, the Miss BumBum pageant announced in that Dai Macedo, 25, was crowned this year's Miss Butt 2013 for having a 107 cm (42.125") butt and out sizing 15 other contestants. Macedo is an administrative student, a model and is originally from the state of Goiás, according to pageant organizers. 
Macedo didn't expect to win, but said she was happy with the judges decision. She confirmed that she had a liposuction to improve and lift her butt.
Macedo won about $2,100 dollars and $21,000 in advertising promotions. 
Eliana Amaral, 27, of Pernambuco was selected as second place for a 100 cm (39.379") butt and Jessica Amaral, 22, of Para took third place with a 102 cm (40.157") butt.

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dickerson-Hendricks Wounded By Milwaukee Police And Taken Into Custody At Children's Hospital


Ashanti Dickerson-Hendricks

A woman called police that Hendricks was at Children's Hospital, had a felony warrant and could be armed.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 14, 2013

Wauwatosa, WI - On Thursday, Ashanti Dickerson-Hendricks, 22, was taken into custody after he grabbed a two month old infant inside the Newborn Progressive Care Unit on the 7th floor of the Children's Hospital in Wauwatosa. He was visiting and holding his baby when Milwaukee police attempted to serve a warrant at the neo-natal premature care unit. Police say, they got a tip from a woman that Hendricks was at the hospital visiting his only child and that he was currently wanted and possibly armed. 
Just before noon Milwaukee police officers were dispatched to take him into custody. The baby's mother apparently believed Hendricks was going to kill his child. But, Hendricks father told reporters that the infant was his son's only child and wouldn't harm him.
Police arrived at the hospital unit and told Hendricks that he had a warrant and was under arrest. Hendricks was holding his baby and seemed to cooperate with police. He put down his child and then darted out of the unit.
Hendricks then pulled out a weapon when cornered in a nearby hallway. Hendricks pointed a .40 Cal. Glock at police and failed to lower his weapon. A Milwaukee policer officer fired several shots striking Hendricks in the arm and wrist. 
Hendricks was taken to Froedtert Hospital for treatment and was placed in custody. He was wanted on a felony conviction warrant for possession of a weapon by a felon, eluding police and a drug charge, according to court records. Hendricks failed to show up for his sentencing several weeks ago and a warrant was issued.
Milwaukee police are being criticized about their attempt to take Hendricks into custody inside the Children's Hospital by Hendricks family members. Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, that it "was not a situation where a guy came in to shoot somebody."
Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn defended the action taken by his officers who were serving a warrant at the newborn Children's Hospital unit. An investigation had been initiated to see, if Milwaukee police acted properly to arrest Hendricks at the Children's Hospital.
Officers from Wauwatosa Police Department and deputies from the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office also responded to the incident. The Children's Hospital was locked down for nearly several hours, according to police.
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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Fasting Becomes Fruitless To Move Immigration Reform Forward For A Vote

John Boehner, U.S. House Speaker

House Speaker Boehner says, the House GOP leadership has "no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate (immigration) bill," thus killing any hope immigration reform will be brought to the House floor for a vote before the 113th first House session ends in less than two weeks.

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 13, 2013

Washington, D.C. - On Wednesday, U.S. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) told reporters that "we made it clear that we are going to move on a common sense step by step approach in terms on how we deal on immigration. The idea we going to to take up a 1,300 page bill that no one has never read, is what the Senate did, is not going to happen, and frankly, I'll make it clear we have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill...I want us to deal with the issue, but I want to deal on a step by step way." The U.S. Senate passed their immigration reform bill version and Boehner's confirmation that a conference or any negotiations to incorporate ideas to pass a House bill "is not going to happen" for 2013. Speaker Boehner's statement on Wednesday affirms that any hope, efforts and influence by immigrant rights activists around the country of pushing an immigration reform bill forward before the first House session ends is unlikely. Despite Boehner's confirmation that immigration reform is dead for 2013, immigration activists and religious groups began to hold a fasting approach in an attempt to move forward the bill before 2013 ends.
As a last resort for 2013, religious groups have set up a fasting camp near Capitol Hill and other immigrant rights groups will launched a one day fasting in an attempt to resurrect a dying immigration reform movement for 2013. The GOP U.S. House leadership has confirmed that no attempts to bring an immigration reform bill to the floor for a vote will take place before the House of Representatives leave for the holidays and get ready for the upcoming elections and the second 113th session, which begins in January 2014.
The Democrats are being blamed for their failure to pass an immigration bill when they initially had control of both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate back in 2007. Then U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), the former House Speaker failed to bring forward a bill for the first six months of their control. Soon after, the Democrats began to gradually lose control of the U.S. House and including the U.S. Senate. While the Obama administration ramped up the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deportation quotas and succeeded in deporting at least 2 million of undocumented immigrants, most none criminals from the country.
Immigration activists are focusing on resurrecting their immigration reform movement in the last days of the House session, but no indication has been made public of any new approach in their agenda for 2014. 
But a strong indication is that the immigration reform bill issue is definitely dead for the next six years, depending of who will control the House, Senate and the White House in the next few years.

Boehner's Wednesday brief statement on immigration reform at link:
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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Charges Dropped Against Young, Two Additional Suspects Sought For Cypress House Party Shooting Melee


Randy Stewart, Ariel Shepherd, aka, Arielle Oliviaa and Queric Richardson

Harris County District Attorney's office dropped all charges against Willie John Peters Young after investigators determined he was a party attendee and not one of the shooters as previously believed. 

By H. Nelson Goodson
November 12, 2013

Cypress, Texas - On Tuesday, the Harris County District Attorney's office decided to drop all charges against Willie John Peters Young, 21, after homicide investigators determined he was not a shooter at the Mariah Boulden, 18, birthday house party in Cypress. Some party participants had alleged that Young was an active participant, but other partygoers contradicted those allegations and authorities decided to release Young and drop any charges pending. Young was facing one felony count for deadly conduct in connection with two deaths and 18 people wounded during a house party shooting melee. Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson would not comment on Young's release, but that testimony from party participants indicated that Young was not involved in the shooting melee. Investigators are now looking for two additional alleged suspects involved in the deadly indoor house party that claimed two lives. They have not identified those suspects. One suspect has been charged in connection with the shooting that left 18 teens injured with gunshot wounds and another teen with a broken leg.
On Monday, Randy Stewart, 18, was arrested and processed by the Harris County Sheriff's Office and charged with felony deadly aggravated assault in connection with a double homicide and 18 victims being injured by gunfire. Stewart's bail was set at $250,000 and remains in custody. Multiple attempted homicide charges and possible capital murder charges are pending against Stewart. He could face life in prison without parole or the death penalty, if convicted on all charges.
On Saturday, Harris County Sheriff's deputies responded to a mass shooting at a Houston suburb residence at 7318 Enhanted Creek Drive at 10:45 p.m. where a Twitter, Facebook and Instagram advertised house birthay party for Mariah Boulden, 18, was being held. When deputies arrived at the residence they found multiple teens wounded and called ambulances. The wounded teens were taken to five Houston area hospitals. One of the victims, Queric Richardson, 17, of Katy died at the scene. He was fatally shot multiple times by the suspects. His 16-year-old brother, Kenneth Guidry was also wounded as he tried to save Queric. Guidry didn't know until ten minutes later that he had been also shot, according to his father Lawrence Guidry, reported KTRK TV News 13. The second victim, Ariel Shepherd, aka, Arielle Oliviaa, 17, later died at a nearby hospital. Both deceased victims attended Morton Ranch High School.
Eighteen other victims suffered gunshot wounds from minor to critical, and one other teenager suffered a broken leg in the melee.
The injured victims are expected to survive, according to Harris County Sheriff Adrian Garcia.
Witnesses at the party told investigators that Stewart and two other suspects refused to get searched for weapons before going into the party. They left and decided to crash the party after they jumped a neighbors fence and entered through the back door. Once inside, someone fired a gunshot inside in celebration of Boulden's birthday. Then Stewart and another suspect reacted and took out their handguns and began to target and shoot at the teenagers inside the party. Stewart apparently got on top of a chair and targeted teens as they fled in panic and shot at them.
Richardson was hit and ran outside, one of the suspects chased him and shot him again. Richardson died at the scene. Shepherd was shot inside and was later taken to a nearby hospital where she died.
The party was attended by known gang members and many of the teens at the party knew Stewart and the two other suspects, which made it easy for authorities to arrest Stewart on Monday. The two other suspects remain at large.
A $5,000 dollar reward has been offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the suspects sought for Boulden's birthday deadly shooting melee.
Stewart has multiple incidents with local authorities and had been charged for other unrelated criminal activity.
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