Sunday, October 27, 2013

GOP Expects Rodriguez To Become First Wisconsin Republican Hispanic Woman Elected To State Assembly

Yesenia Eldermira Rodriguez, aka, "Jessie Rodriguez"

Photo: Facebook

Rodriguez draws criticism in the Republican Party of WI Facebook page.

By H. Nelson Goodson
October 27, 2013

Madison, WI - Last Tuesday, the Republican Party of Wisconsin in its Facebook page (FB) congratulated Jessie Rodriguez (R) of Franklin who survived a primary special election in the 21st Assembly District with 48% of the vote beating four other GOP members seeking the Republican nomination. The GOP in Wisconsin says, if Rodriguez wins the November general election, she will be the first Republican Latina elected to the State Assembly and the third Hispanic elected to the lower chamber. Rodriguez was born in El Salvador and came to the U.S. in 1984 with her parents who were fleeing from the civil war, according to her website "Jessie for Assembly" dot com. Jessie is just a nickname to appeal to local voters in her run to be elected, but her real name is Yesenia Eldermira Rodriguez. Yesenia's name is never discussed in public, according to critics.
She believes that "partisan politics has been counter productive," which she might become a crucial swing vote in upcoming major issues with Democrats if elected. She also believes that Wisconsin "is moving in the right direction" in job creation, despite Wisconsin falling behind in job creation compared to other states around Wisconsin. 
Rodriguez doesn't mention much about immigration reform or if she supports bilingual education, allowing undocumented immigrants in the state to get driver licenses and if instate tuition should be allowed for state DREAMers.
She is currently working as an Outreach Director for a non-profit organization call "Hispanics for School Choice."
Jessie is married to Aaron Rodriguez, who administrates the controversial "Hispanic Conservative" blog and is currently a Racine firefighter. Some of Aaron's posted articles on immigration reform and other issues affecting Wisconsin's Hispanic growing population and economic growth including political influence are deemed as anti-immigrant bashing, according to some local immigration reform activists in the state. Aaron strongly supports school choice as well and publishes articles in the Milwaukee El Conquistador Newspaper run by Victor Huyke, who gave a small campaign contribution to Governor Scott Walker (R), according to Walker's campaign donation funding information with the state election board.
Rodriguez campaign treasurer is Ivan Gamboa, Vice President of Tri-City National Bank. Gamboa is also the Hispanics for School Choice Board Treasurer and Aaron Rodriguez is the Board Secretary.
Rodriguez will face Elizabeth Coppola (D) in the November 19th general election. 
The winner will replace outgoing Mark Honadel (R) of South Milwaukee who announced in August that he would not run for reelection.
The 21st Assembly District is predominantly Republican, which includes Oak Creek, Franklin and South Milwaukee.  

Some posted comments in the Republican Party of WI FB included, "she is legal right ? NO AMNESTY! what kind of republican ? we need more tea parties...," posted by George Broughton.
"I heard she's against gun rights, is that true?," posted Rick Zingsheim
"She must be very confused! Hispanics are suppose to be in the Dumbocrats left, rear pocket!!!!!," Don Gutz
"It's okay the mention that she is the first Hispanic Republican Woman when it is history, after that, to keep bringing it up is where it becomes a problem.," posted Maggie Brieske
".....funny how 2nd generation hispanic suddenly become from So. Calif,,,,,but it is no joke as they have a nationalistic agenga and Im a Roman Catholic....they are. not playing.... drugs alone tells you this they got rid of. the cubans AND the columbians. controlling the flow of poison into our nation ...Signed. Daniel Carroll , Sunset Beach, CA,,,, Ps pretty soon. press1 for spanish and press2 for English...," posted by Daniel G. Carroll
""...the first Hispanic Republican Woman..." Hmmmmmmm, interesting choice of words Republican Party- seeing as how any mention of Obama being the first Black President is a terrible thing!!!! Hypocrites.," posted Jerome Hirschbaum.

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