Friday, July 19, 2013

Spooner Found Sane When He Killed 13-year-old Simmons In Cold Blood For Justice Not Revenge


John Henry Spooner and Darius Simmons

A jury found 76-year-old Spooner sane when he shot Simmons in cold blood for allegedly stealing several shotguns from his home.

By H. Nelson Goodson
July 19, 2013

Milw., WI - On Friday, a Milwaukee County jury found that John Henry Spooner, 76, was sane and did not suffer from mental disease or defect when he shot and killed Darius Simmons, 13, in May 2012 outside his home. Spooner is facing a life sentence in prison, but is currently suffering from lung cancer. Most likely, he won't do much time because Spooner has a date with death due to his age and illness.
Spooner's attorney didn't want him to testified in court, but Spooner testified and said, that he killed Simmons for justice, not revenge. He believed that Simmons went into his home and stole several shotguns. Police have not been able to recover the shotguns. Spooner would have also shot Simmons brother, but his gun jammed. 
The Simmons who are African-American had bothered Spooner who is white, since they moved next to him and would traspass on his property. Spooner had also complained to Alderman Bob Donovan from the 8th District about the Simmons constantly messing with him. Simmons mother who witnessed the fatal shooting of her son denied Spooner's allegations.
Last Wednesday, the jury convicted Spooner for first-degree intentional homicide in the murder of Simmons. Spooner's defense lawyer attempted to argue that Spooner was temporarily ill for a few seconds when he shot Simmons. A psychiatrist for the defense collaborated that Simmon's for a few seconds was mentally ill, but the prosecutor disputed their argument. 
The jury viewed a video recorded by a surveillance camera at Spooner's residence showing Spooner walking up to Simmons and pointing a gun at the victim several times and then shoots him in cold blood. 
Simmons was outside in front of his home at 1905 W. Arrow St. when Spooner confronted him about the prior house break-in, according to the criminal complaint. Spooner then took out his handgun and shot Simmons. Simons was unarmed when he was shot multiple times in the chest after a shouting altercation.
Spooner admitted to police that he indeed shot Simmons, who he suspected of breaking into his home and stealing several shotguns worth at least $3,000.

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